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Producer and import price indices

The purpose of the producer and import price indices (PPI) is to estimate average monthly price development in the producer and import stages, in total and for different product groups in accordance with SPIN 2015. Prices are measured in the first phase of distribution when the goods are delivered from Swedish producers and when goods enter into Sweden.

The survey is based on a selected and weighted sample of approximately 2000 companies. About 5000 prices are collected each month and is used to calculate producer price index, import price index and export price index.

Other than a few exceptions the survey covers land and forestry, fishing, mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas, heating and water supply, waste disposal and sanitation.

The statistics is mainly used for:

• conversion of nominal amounts to fixed amounts in national accounts, foreign trade with goods and other economic statistics

• economic analysis used as basis for economic policy for the Swedish central bank (Riksbanken), National institute of economic research (Sweden) etc.

• price regulations in long term agreements


  • The price to be reported is the price at the first distribution stage when products are delivered from Swedish producers and at the first purchasing stage when products enter into Sweden. The price should be stated exclusive of taxes on goods and VAT.
  • The product should be representative of your company within the statistical number provided (CN).
  • The price should be the average price of actual transactions referring to this month’s deliveries, and be stated according to the applicable terms of delivery, including potential discounts.
  • It is important that the prices reported refer to products and transactions that are comparable over time, from month to month.
  • If major price fluctuations over the course of a month are common, an average number for the month should be provided instead.
  • If the product is no longer relevant or representative of the product group in question (statistical number, CN), it should be replaced by a new product.
  • If no sales have occurred during the current month, mark it as “no transaction".
  • The information can be reported in your preferred currency. Prices reported in a foreign currency will be converted into SEK.

Survey timetable

The price should be submitted on the website in the period from day 1 to day 10 every month. There is a link at the top of this page.

Frequently asked questions

How do I log in?

To submit your information electronically, you need to log in first. The login details will be sent to you by e-mail in the beginning of each month; do not forget to provide us with the correct e-mail address.

I no longer have the login details. How do I get new ones?

Please e-mail us at Remember to state your corporate identification number.

What should I do if I cannot submit my report before the deadline?

You can apply for permission to extend the deadline by a short period. Please note that because this is a monthly survey, the deadline can only be extended by a few days, as the calculation and publication are carried out regularly each month.

How do I change contact persons?

You can change contact details in the web form or e-mail us at We will then update your contact details. Please remember to provide the correct e-mail address, as all mailings and other information are distributed by e-mail.

The price of our product rarely changes; can we submit the same price for several months?

If the price will remain the same for some time, you can submit a price in advance. Please contact us at and we will enter it for you, or make a comment about it in the web form.

The product we report the price of is no longer relevant to/representative of us. What should we do?

Replace the product with a different product within the same product group (CN code). If possible, state any differences between this and the previous product in addition to the price in the reporting month. This can be stated in the web form, or you can e-mail us for assistance.

I need to amend my information as it was incorrect, what should I do?

Once the information has been submitted to Statistics Sweden, it is locked. If you want to amend/supplement the information, the easiest way is to email us for help to amend the information.

Is my company obliged to participate in the survey?

Yes. There is an obligation to provide information for this survey in accordance with the Official Statistics Act (2001:99). This means that you are required by law to provide the information to Statistics Sweden.

How long will my company participate in the survey?

The sample is drawn every year, but only a part of the sample is updated annually, which means that it may take a few years for a unit to rotate out. The idea is to maintain a certain continuity and comparability in the survey while spreading the response burden over time.

Publishing of the results

View the final statistics

Contact us

+46 10 479 60 65
Opening hours:
Weekdays: 09:00–16:00
Closed for lunch: 12.00–13.00

+46 10 479 60 65

Simple URL: