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Short-term employment statistics, public sector


Statistics Sweden is currently implementing changes regarding the labor market statistics. From April 2024, this survey will cease and be replaced by a new survey - Employment - where the data will be retrieved from existing register data. Therefore, you will no longer need to provide us with information within the scope of this survey.


The survey shows the development for employment, absence from work and staff turnover in Sweden. The statistics are by industry as well as by region. The survey provides a good picture of changes on the labour market. The results are used by the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications, among others.

Information is to be submitted about the number of employees who are permanently employed and the number who are temporarily employed. Questions about absence and staff turnover may also occur. Contact details and changes in the enterprise are also important issues in this survey.

Time plan

Your information is to be reported monthly or quarterly, depending on the number of employees at the workplace.

From In the 2nd quarter of 2024, the current questionnaire regarding the collection of Short-term employment statistics will cease as a result of changes to the labor market statistics, more information can be found in the right-hand column at the top of this page.

Measurement days 2023 Last day for reply 2023
12 July 21 August
16 August 20 September
13 September 20 October
18 October 20 November
15 November 20 December
13 December 22 January 2024
Measurement days 2024 Last day for reply 2024
17 January 20 February
14 February 20 March
13 March 20 April

Your respons

There is an obligation to provide information for this survey according to the Official Statistics Act (2001:99).  The statistics are also regulated according to the Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100) and Statistics Sweden's regulations (SCB-FS 2021:23). The information you submit is protected according to Chapter 24 Section 8 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). When the information is published, no single enterprise will be able to be identified. Consultation has taken place with The Board of Swedish Industry and Commerce for Better Regulation (NNR).

See also

Same information also available in Swedish.

Contact us

+46 10 479 60 65
Opening hours:
Weekdays: 09:00–16:00
Closed for lunch: 12.00–13.00

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