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Q&A about Intrastat

I don’t have the login details. How can I receive new ones?

Email us at Remember to state your organisation number.

Is it possible to get deferral of providing the data?

Yes, it is possible to receive shorter deferrals for individual reports. Email us at and remember to state you organisation number and how long you need.

What are the threshold values?

  • SEK 15,000,000 for arrivals
  • SEK 12,000,000 for dispatch

This means that companies that have received commodities from EU Member States at a current 12-month value corresponding to SEK 15,000,000 or more are required to provide data for arrivals. Companies that have delivered commodities to EU Member States at a current 12-month value corresponding to SEK 12,000,000 or more are required to provide data for dispatch. If the limits are exceeded for both, the company must provide both arrivals and dispatch data.

Can I export the data to the survey directly from the company’s business system?

You can see if your business system is included in the list of certifie software here:

Godkända programvaror för Intrastat-rapportering (In Swedish)

Why does SCB not use the information we provide to the Swedish Tax Agency? (EC sales list)

The compilation provides information on the purchaser’s VAT number, country, and value. However, it is not clear what kind of commodities the company has sold and in what volumes.

What exchange rates should I use?

It is possible to enter the currency code and value in foreign currency when reporting via IDEP. You do not need to look up the current exchange rate. If you convert invoiced value yourself to Swedish kronor, use either the current exchange rate for the delivery or the customs rate set for the month. For Euro, you use EUC as the customs rate. Use currency code “EUC- Euro, according to Article 146 (2) off Regulation (EC) No 2015/2447” when you apply for a course at the Swedish Customs.

Query exchange rate | Arctic-TARIFF (

Currency-hedges courses may not be used.

Which commodities should not be reported?

See chapter 8 in the handbook.

Intrastat handbook 2024 (pdf)

Intrastat handbook 2025 (pdf)

What do I do if I do not have weight data?

If you don’t have data on weight, amount or other quantity that is requested, you must make a reasonable estimate.

How should returns and replacement delivery be reported to Intrastat?

The month in which the return or replacement delivery takes place, is the reporting month. The Nature of Transaction code 21-23 is stated, and the invoiced value of the returned commodity or the replacement delivery. Returns of commodities and replacement delivery must be reported in the direction of the commodity.

Read more about credit notes

How do I do corrections?

To correct for example, an incorrectly debited, price-adjusted or a discounted commodity afterwards, use a correction form. The period is the month of which the correction relates. For each item that is corrected, all information must be provided. The invoiced value is the new value that is to replace the original value.

Note! Negative values cannot be reported.

Email the correction form to

Read more about credit notes and how to do corrections.

Correction form

What is a triangular trade and how should it be reported?

Triangular trade refers to commodity transactions where three enterprises or sometimes three different EU Member States are active parties in the transaction. The main rule is that the enterprise obliged to provide data to Intrastat in Sweden are the enterprises that sell commodities to, or buy commodities from, a VAT-registered trading partner in another EU Member State, and that the commodities have crossed the Swedish border. More detailed description and exampled of triangular trade can be found in Chapter 18 of the Intrastat handbook. 

Reporting of triangular trade (pdf)

How do I report processing under contract?

Dispatches and arrivals for processing under contract must be reported to Intrastat. The invoiced value is the value that the commodity has at dispatch or arrival.

  • Transaction code is 41 if the commodity is expected to return to the initial member state of dispatch
  • Transaction code is 42 if the commodity is not expected to return to the initial member state of dispatch
  • Transaction code 4 can be used upon arrival

When re-importing or re-exporting the commodity after processing under contract, the invoiced value shall include the value of the commodity at the time of dispatch from/arrival to Sweden, plus the value of the work done.

  • Transaction code is 51 if the commodity returns to the initial member state of dispatch
  • Transaction cod is 52 if the commodity is not returning to the initial member state
  • Transaction code 5 can be used at arrival

If the enterprise is obliged to report a flow in only one direction (i.e. dispatches or arrivals), information is only reported for this flow (see example below). This means that an enterprise that is obliged to report dispatches need not submit an arrival report when a commodity is received for   processing under contract or when a commodity is received after processing under contract has taken place. However, the enterprise must provide information about dispatches. The corresponding rule applies to enterprises that are only obliged to provide information about arrivals.

Am I obligated to provide information?

Yes, if you received a notification from Statistics Sweden that you must provide information, you must do so. The obligation begins from the month in which the company has exceeded the threshold value (SEK 15,000,000 for import or SEK 4,500,000 for export). The obligation to provide information applies until further notice, even if the current 12-month value is temporarily below the threshold value. The obligation to provide information exists in accordance with the Swedish law (2001:99) on the official statistics. The statistics are also regulated by the ordinance (2001:100) on official statistics and Statistics Sweden’s regulations (SCB-FS 2021:34) (§3 amended by (SCB-FS 2024:23)) and (SCB-FS 2021:35). Consultations have taken place with Näringslivets regelnämnd (NNR) (Business Regulation Board).

Which secrecy protects my data?

The information provided is protected by confidentiality in accordance with Swedish law chapter 24 section 8 of the Security act (2009:400). When reporting, no individual companies will be able to be identified. In accordance with the ordinance (1984:692) on the Statistics Sweden’s Business Register, aggregated information about export and import country (grouped into eight land areas), together with export and import values (divided into nine size classes) must be submitted annually to the Statistics Sweden’s Business Register. The information in this register does not cover confidentiality.

Can I get paid for reporting the information about my company?

No. The provision of information is a statutory obligation for companies and organisation and therefor there are no compensation. Neither statistics Sweden nor any other Swedish authority receives founds to compensate companies for their submission of data for the official statistics.
