Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI)
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) is a statistical standard that makes it possible to compare and analyse data, both nationally and internationally and over time.
SNI 2007
Search for industry code (SNI 2007)
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification is based on the EU’s recommended standards, NACE Rev.2. SNI 2007 is primarily an activity classification. Production units such as enterprises and local units are classified according to the activity carried out. A company or local unit may be associated with several activities (SNI-codes).
SNI 2002
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification is based on the EU’s recommended standards, NACE Rev.2. SNI 2002 is primarily an activity classification. Production units such as enterprises and local units are classified according to the activity carried out. A company or local unit may be associated with several activities (SNI-codes).