Presidency programme
Last updated: 2022-12-20
Programme of the Presidency Trio
The Presidency Trio, consisting of France, the Czech Republic and Sweden, runs from 1st January 2022 to 30th June 2023. France held the Presidency in the first half of 2022, followed by Czech Republic (July-December 2022) and Sweden (January-June 2023). The Trio countries work in close cooperation with European Statistical System members and with all our partners. The Presidency Trio follows up on the work of the preceding presidencies, with the overall objective to provide high quality and relevant European statistics in accordance with Regulation (EC) 223/2009 on European statistics and guided by the European Statistics Code of Practice.
The Presidency Trio aims at promoting the value of official statistics and continuing the modernization of the European Statistical System, taking into account the challenges and innovations following the Covid-19 pandemic. The Trio Presidency will further aim at responding adequately to a broad range of users’ needs and taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by new data sources and technologies while ensuring the secure production of transparent and reliable data. Recognizing the importance of ensuring access to data, the Trio Presidencies will further aim to ensure that new European data regulations will take into account the specific needs of official statistics.
Priorities of the Swedish Presidency
The main priorities of the Swedish Presidency are determined by the 18-month programme which has been jointly prepared by the trio Presidencies of France, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
The Swedish Presidency will continue to work to strengthen European statistics, focusing on users’ needs with a strong statistical leadership and taking responsibility for the quality of the statistics.
To that end, the Swedish Presidency will provide an opportunity to discuss and share experiences on how to strengthen the ESS statistical leadership to increase the use of official statistics in policy development and decision-making. The focus will be to share good practice on engaging with expert users when the product portfolio of official statistics needs to be adjusted, due to changes in society and the need to measure new phenomena – or to overcome decreased response rates and limited resources. A high-level event on these issues will be arranged by the Swedish Presidency in Stockholm in 12-13 April 2023.
The Swedish Presidency will build on the progress made by previous Presidencies and attempt to complete the legislative dossier that is already underway:
- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and Council amending Regulation (EU) 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts
The Swedish Presidency will also initiate work on the following dossier, with the ambition of making substantial progress:
- Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on European Statistics on Population and Housing
The Swedish Presidency is also prepared to start the process on the following dossier:
- Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on (EC) 223/2009 on European statistics
In addition, the Swedish Presidency will monitor the progress on the Data Act and e-privacy regulations. Other regulations with interest for official statistics will also be monitored.