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About older statistics and digitisation

Last updated: 2019-06-05

The first Swedish census took place in 1794. Sweden, together with Finland, which was Swedish at the time, was the only country that has continuous information about the population so far back in time.

Sweden and Finland have produced statistics for many years

The first Swedish census took place in 1794. Sweden, together with Finland, which was Swedish at the time, was the only country that has continuous information about the population so far back in time.

Tabellverket, a predecessor of Statistics Sweden, began printing the official statistics of Sweden at the beginning of the 19th century. The publication was divided into nine subject series. In 1858 Statistics Sweden was founded and the series continued under the title Bidrag till Sveriges officiella statistik (BiSOS), or in English: Contributions to the official statistics of Sweden.

In 1911 collection of statistics from different areas began for the book series Official Statistics of Sweden, which replaced BiSOS. 

List of completed, ongoing and planned digitisation 

Facts about digitisation


Among all of Statistics Sweden's own publications as well as statistics that are included in the official statistics of Sweden, the most frequently requested material is selected, according to Statistics Sweden's Statistics Service.


The printed editions are combined or split into suitable versions and sizes. Such a version forms the contents of a digital unit, in the new digital media. PDF is the usual file format for our digital units.


Examples that have been selected as models are supplemented to form as complete and correct a file as possible. Corrections that were made afterwards are added, and different pages from different examples are combined, sometimes borrowed from other libraries when needed.

Metadata that is supplied

Document properties with a complete title, Statistics Sweden's subject headings, year of publication, coverage time (that is, the time the statistics refer to), Introduction page with specific urn:nbn:se:scb-... for each digital unit, and presentation of the previous and following publications, as well as related material.

Navigation aids are added

Bookmarks to the lowest heading level, contents are linked, table lists that are missing are constructed and linked, OCR interpretation of text for free text search.

The tables are not OCR interpreted due to the risk of errors in the figures, but the table titles are OCR interpreted.

Terms of use

The files are freely available; ”Source Statistics Sweden” + title is only to be stated for unprocessed files.