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Your search resulted in 838 hits.

  1. UF0601 Tabell FunkNed_23.xlsx

  2. Folk High School statistics

    Annual statistics on the participants in folk high school are presented by type of course, rate of study, field of education, level of education, national background, gender, region and year

  3. Transition upper secondary school – post-secondary education, upper secondary school graduates 2013/14-2018/19

    For the second year in a row, more women than men continued to study in post-secondary education after a higher education preparatory upper-secondary programme.

  4. Transition upper secondary school – post-secondary education, upper secondary school graduates

    The share of men who graduate from higher education preparatory programmes who commence studying within the first year after graduation has dropped slightly, and among graduates in 2017/18 is on a level with the share of women...

  5. Folk high-school spring and autumn term 2015

  6. Folk high school spring and autumn term 2016

  7. Folk high school spring and autumn term 2014

  8. Folk high school spring and autumn term 2013

  9. Folk high school spring and autumn term 2012

  10. Eligibility after general courses
