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Your search resulted in 25 hits.

  1. Gender statistics


  2. Women and men in Sweden - Facts and figures 2024

    • Istället kommer de att finnas tillgängliga på SCB:s webbplats:
  3. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2016

    Women and men must have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This is the overall goal for gender equality policy. To reach this goal we need to have the knowledge about the situation of women and men in society

  4. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2016

    Women and men must have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This is the overall goal for gender equality policy. To reach this goal we need to have the knowledge about the situation of women and men in society

  5. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2014

    Gender equality 30 years onThe renowned booklet ”Women and men in Sweden” was first published in 1984. We are now able to follow the development of gender equality over a 30 year period

  6. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2014

    Gender equality 30 years onThe renowned booklet ”Women and men in Sweden” was first published in 1984. We are now able to follow the development of gender equality over a 30 year period

  7. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2012

  8. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2012

  9. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2010

  10. Women and men in Sweden – Facts and figures 2010
