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  • Common to go on to higher education regardless of grades

    The proportion who continues their education after upper secondary school increases with rising grades. This applies to both those who have completed a higher education preparatory programme and those who have completed a vocational programme, and regardless of sex. But among those who graduated from a higher education preparatory programme there are also many with low grades who continue their education.

  • Many chose higher education studies during the pandemic

    The proportion who began higher education studies within a year increased significantly among those who graduated from upper secondary education in the spring of 2020 compared to the year before. This can largely be explained by the fact that many women who had studied higher education preparatory programmes started their further studies earlier than planned because of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Men from vocational programme are less likely to continue studying

    Most students who continue their education after upper secondary school have studied a higher education preparatory programme. Among them, most are enrolled in higher education. A somewhat lower proportion of men with a degree from a vocational programme continue studying after upper secondary school. However, among those who continue their studies, it is just as common to study a higher vocational education programme as a higher education.

  • Most common to study further after upper secondary school in big cities

    The vast majority of students who continue their studies after upper secondary school have graduated from a higher education preparatory programme. The proportion of students studying in higher education and vocational programmes varies across the country. As a result, the proportion of students who continue their studies after upper secondary schools also differs depending in where they live. The proportion is highest in large cities and lowest in rural municipalities with a hospitality industry.

  • Transitioning to post-secondary education most frequent among foreign born women

    It is more common among foreign-born pupils to study further after graduating from upper secondary school than among native-born classmates. During the corona pandemic, however, the proportion of native-born pupils who studied further increased slightly.