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Statistical news

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  • Environmental tax revenue increasing in 2023

    In 2023, environmental tax revenue amounts to 98 SEK billion which is an increase of 485 SEK million compared with the previous year. Total environmental taxes as a share of GDP continues to decrease.

  • Environmentally motivated subsidies decrease in 2023

    Environmentally motivated subsidies decrease in 2023 compared to 2022. For 2022 these subsidies amount to 23.2 billion Swedish krona; a 4 percent decrease from 2022.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from the Swedish economy decrease in 2023

    Emissions of greenhouse gases from the Swedish economy during 2023 decrease by almost 2 percent compared to the previous year. The emission reduction is primarily seen in electricity, gas and heating plants and water, sewage and waste industries, but emission reductions from the transport industry and from the steel and metal industry also contribute significantly to the total reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from the Swedish economy decreased by 3 percent in 2022

    Greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden’s economy decreased by 3 percent in 2022 to 49 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents compared with 2021. The transport sector is the only economic sector that went against this trend and increased its emissions. Over the same period GDP increased by 2,5 percent. Therefore, the emission intensity is decreased by 5 percent during the year 2022.