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Statistical news

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  • Graduating facilitates establishment in the labour market

    A follow-up of higher vocational educations ending in 2022 or 2023 show that students with a degree establish themselves in the labour market to a much greater extent than students who do not graduate or drop out.

  • Residential care social workers with a higher vocational education degree leave residential care homes for young people

    A common workplace for residential care social workers with a higher vocational education degree is Residential Care Homes for Care for children and young people with behavioural or familial challenges. Approximately a quarter of graduates work there in the first year after completing their education. However, a new report from Statistics Sweden shows that the percentage has halved after four years.

  • More people pursuing further studies after completing their education in the covid-19 pandemic

    The proportion of people who worked the year after upper secondary school, higher vocational education and higher education declined in 2020. Instead, a higher proportion of people continued studying. In contrast to the financial crisis, the proportion of upper secondary school leavers who neither worked nor studied remained low.

  • More common for women to continue their education after upper secondary school and work at the same time

    Activities among women and men after completion of upper secondary school differ and have done so for a long time. A higher percentage of men than of women work exclusively three years after completed upper secondary school. The percentage women and men who study exclusively is more or less equally high. The percentage of those who both study and work is higher among women than among men. Statistics on activities in the autumn three years after completed upper secondary school are available for the academic years 1995/96 to 2012/13.