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Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Surveys by statistics areas
Agricultural economy
Economic accounts for agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the value of the agricultural sector's production, costs for this production and the total economic development in the agricultural sector.
Income of agricultural households
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include income after transfers distributed by income components, type of household and taxable income by hectares of arable land, farm types and age of farm operators
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include incomes, costs and results of different types of agricultural enterprises, land use, average number of livestock and labour in agriculture and forestry, distributed by personnel categories.
Agricultural production
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include the quantity of milk weighed in and production at dairy farms and slaughter of large livestock and poultry at abattoirs. Comparisons with countries in the European Union are also carried out.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include food consumption - in total and per person and year - of bread and grain products, meat, fish, dairy products and fruit. Data is often available from 1960 and onwards
General agricultural statistics
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The compilation of agricultural statistics is the best source of information if you want to follow progress in the sectors of food or agriculture.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the Swedish professional horticultural production by presenting areas and produced quantities for each horticultural crop. Every third year, data for all horticultural crops are presented for the whole of Sweden as well as by county, and in some instances by size of the producing holdings (as measured by area). In intervening years we present data for the largest crops (by area) for the whole of Sweden.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the scope of organic production of meat, poultry and eggs.
Production forecast for cereals and oilseed crops
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show estimates of yield per hectare, area and total yield for wheat, rye, barley and oats for the country.
Production of cereals, dried pulses and oil-seeds
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Production of organic and non-organic farming
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include yield per hectare, area and total yield for wheat, rye, and barley, oats and table potatoes in organic and non-organic and farming per county and production area.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show yield per hectare and total yield of table potatoes and starch potatoes by county.
Production of temporary grasses
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the expected yield of various crops in normal weather conditions per crop area, county, production area and the country.
The statistics show storage of grain. The statistics refer to 30 June, 30 September and 31 December. The data regarding December is a forecast.
Agricultural structure
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include details about areas sown in the autumn with winter wheat, winter rye and winter barley per county and production area.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include drained and tile drained arable land and arable land with need for new and refurbished tile drainage by county, production area and farm type.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the number of cattle per type of livestock in Sweden and the number of companies that own livestock in December each year.
Fruit trees of the horticultural production
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics consist of areas and number of fruit trees in the Swedish professional production of fruit, presented by plantation age and cultivar. At present, we only present data for the cultivation of apples.
Full time employment in agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include amount of arable and agricultural land in full-time farming and the number of full-time holdings by type of tenure per county and production area.
Greenhouses of the horticultural production
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics describe physical and production-related aspects of the greenhouses run within the Swedish horticultural production. We present areas, greenhouse age distribution, energy use by energy source, prevalence of some inventories and use of various pesticides.
Holdings and holders in agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include the number of horses, horses per 1 000 inhabitants and the number of locations with horses per county and national area (NUTS 2).
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the number of cattle per type of livestock.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Organic farming and organic livestock
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics shows the scope of organic farming and the number of organic livestock.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Other gainfull activities on agricultural holdings
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the number of enterprises with other gainful activities by type of farming and turnover.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the number of sheep in Sweden and the number of companies that own sheep in December each year.
Structure of the horticultural production sector
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
These statistics cover structural aspects of the Swedish horticultural production by showing for instance open ground production and greenhouse areas, number of holdings, employment, manager age distribution and the prevalence of other agricultural production in the horticultural holdings.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include details about the number of enterprises and labour need broken down by type of farming per county and production area.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Statistics include details about areas of cereals, leguminous plants, green fodder and ley, potatoes, sugar beets and oil crops per county, production area and amount of agricultural land, arable land and grazing land, converted and under conversion to organic farming by county.
Animal health
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics show the number of calves that die within a month after birth, disease in dairy cows and colic in horses. Animal health is defined as the freedom of the individual, group or livestock unit from disease, injury and other suffering.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics cover production of fish for consumption (including crayfish and mussels) and fish for stocking (including crayfish).
Employment in agriculture
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics cover sex, age and number of working hours in agriculture for the holder and his/her spouse, other family members and other permanently or temporarily employees persons.
Employment in forestry
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics cover employment in large-scale forestry, that is, holdings with at least 5 000 hectares of forest.
Fishing in inland waters by commercial fishermen
Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Statistics show catch quantities and catch values broken down by Vänern, Vättern, Hjälmaren, Mälaren and other freshwater bodies.
Fishing in marine waters by commercial fishermen
Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Statistics show catches by fishing area, quantities landed and first hand value by month and year. The number of vessels and vessel capacity per year.
Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
The statistics include the number of recreational fishermen, the number of fishing days and catches distributed by fishing in coastal areas and seas, and lakes and watercourses, as well as the economic scope of recreational fishing.
Forest State and Change
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover average growth per tree species.
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover land area and forest land per county broken down by type of ownership under the Forestry Act, productive forest land area broken down by age class and cutting class and areas of older forest.
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover the number of trees per defoliation class.
Forestry statistics – current information about forest resources in Sweden
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover land area, forest land area, productive forest land area, standing volume, yearly growth and forest damage per county and national regions.
Standing volume and tree biomass
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover the standing volume per tree species, diameter class and volume of dead wood.
Vegetation and site conditions
Statistical agency: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The statistics cover productive forest land area distributed by site productivity in owner groups.
Forestry production
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics cover the number of employees and the number of working hours per employee and holder, and broken down by men and women.
Forest seedlings delivered for planting
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics show the scope of delivered forest seedlings for use in Sweden.
Large-scale forestry costs and revenue
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics present various costs in large-scale forestry.
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
These statistics are no longer updated.
Stocks of roundwood and pulp chips
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics show quarterly inventories of pulpwood and chips per all types of inventory areas (on roads, in terminals or industries) and all that have inventories (industry, management or purchasing enterprises).
Forestry structure
Property and Ownership Structure in Forestry
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics show ownership of the Swedish forest. The statistics are based on agricultural units from the property tax assessment and the basis for the information is thus based on the information that the property owners themselves provide in the declaration. The area reported in the statistics therefore refers to submitted productive forest land.
General statistics
Statistical Yearbook of Forestry
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The yearbook contains information on conditions and events in Swedish forestry and the Swedish forestry industry. The Statistical Yearbook of Forestry has been published since the 1940s.
Price trends in agriculture
Price index and prices in the food sector
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
Price Index, the Price Index for the food industry food from regulated agricultural products and the Consumer Price Index, food from price-regulated agricultural products per month.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include average prices of agricultural land and arable land as well as the number of sales of whole or parts of areas per national area (NUTS 2) and production area.
Statistical agency: Swedish Board of Agriculture
The statistics include average rent price for agricultural land and arable land per national area (NUTS 2) and production area.
Price trends in forestry
The statistics show how the average price of productive forest land has changed over time. The statistics also show the number of transactions and the total hectares of forest land that form the basis for the price.
Statistical agency: Swedish Forest Agency
The statistics include quarterly prices of delivery timber.