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Damage to agricultural crops caused by wild boars 2014, 2020 and 2023, tonnes

Crop 2014, tonnes 2020, tonnes 2023, tonnes
Winter wheat 17 969 39 859 20 877
Spring wheat 5 216 4 358 1 976
Rye 1 097 2 508 797
Winter barley 277 692 348
Spring barley 7 992 16 339 6 466
Oats 6 118 15 684 5 705
Triticale 2 181 3 965 2 959
Mixed grain 1 770 1 701 371
Grain maize 94 341 ..
Peas 978 3 669 1 588
Field beans 398 1 560 542
Winter rape 1 676 2 905 1 280
Spring rape 143 74 163
Winter turnip rape 19 .. ..
Spring turnip rape 3 .. ..
Oil flax 9 .. ..
Cereals harvested green (excluding green maize) 3 746 4 305 3 228*
Green maize 3 686 8 573 3 490*
Annual plants harvested green (excluding cereals harvested green) 1 880 2 012 1 278*
Table potatoes 2 520 4 218 1 466
Potatoes for processing of starch 2 376 4 316 1 669
Temporary grasses 57 040 123 539 119 624

Moisture content: Cereals 14 %, dry pulses 15 %, oilseed crops 9 %.
Dry matter content: Green fodder 100 %, temporary grasses 100 %.

*Corrected values 2024-06-20.

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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