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Autumn sown areas 2022:

Autumn sown areas on record level again


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden and Swedish Board of Agriculture 2022-11-30 8.00


This year’s autumn sowing of cereals and oilseed crops amounted to 652 800 hectares. It is 13 percent more than average in the past five years and on the same record level as in the autumn 2020. Dry conditions during autumn hampered establishment of autumn sown oilseed crops, why some areas were resown with other autumn sown crops. Winter wheat accounted for more than 70 percent of this year’s total autumn sown acreage.

In Sweden, 461 200 hectares of winter wheat were sown this autumn, which is 9 percent more than last year and on the same record level as in autumn 2020. At national level, the 2022 winter wheat areas were 14 percent larger than average in the five past autumns, and 22 percent larger than the ten-year average. Large autumn sown areas are beneficial for many reasons, not least because they help reduce nutrition losses from arable land.

In Västra Götaland County an increase in winter wheat sowing with 25 percent is estimated, equivalent to an increase of 17 200 hectares, compared to last year when wet conditions limited autumn sowing.

Increased area of winter rye

The autumn sown areas of rye increased with 41 percent compared to last year's autumn sowing and are on same level with the sowing in autumn 2019.

Winter barley and winter triticale areas on a level with autumn areas a year ago

The winter barley areas are estimated at 20 600 hectares, which is in the same range as last year’s autumn sowing and in level with the five-year average. The autumn sown areas of triticale are estimated at 28 800 hectares, which is in level with last year’s areas.

Winter rape areas in level with last autumn

Winter rape areas are estimated at 111 700 hectares, in level with last autumn and 13 percent larger than the five-year average. Winter turnip areas are estimated at 800 hectares.

Organically cultivated autumn sown areas in level with last autumn

Total autumn sown areas cultivated organically are estimated at 54 800 hectares, which are on level with last autumn’s areas, but 16 percent more than the five-year average. There were 35 800 hectares of organically cultivated winter wheat, 12 percent above last year’s areas and 22 percent more than the five-year average. The winter wheat area also includes 800 hectares of organically cultivated winter spelt.

Dry conditions hampered establishment of winter rape

Dry conditions in southern Sweden in early autumn period hampered establishment of the winter rape crop. Some farmers chose to resow with other autumn sown crops. Others were worried how winter season will affect badly established autumn sown oilseed crops.

Autumn sown areas of cereals 2008-2022


Autumn sown areas of oilseed crops 2008-2022


Note that the figures for cereals and oilseed crops use different scales.


More detailed information with a presentation by county and production area is published in a statistical report on the Swedish Board of Agriculture website, in Swedish. 

Höstsådda arealer 2022

The statistics on autumn sown areas are also available in the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s statistical database. The information is based on a sample survey in which about 5 000 farmers submitted information to Statistics Sweden about autumn sown areas.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Swedish Board of Agriculture

+46 36 15 50 00


Ann-Marie Karlsson

+46 36 15 59 33


Statistics Sweden


Gerda Ländell

+46 10 479 68 07