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Business activities and foreign trade

Official statistics of Sweden

Surveys by statistics areas

  • Bankruptcies and hearings on composition without bankruptcy

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics show the development of the number of bankruptcies and the number of employees affects by region, industry, size class and enterprise form.

    Follow-up on newly-started enterprises in Sweden

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics show survival rates among newly-started enterprises three years from start-up and show differences in survival with regard to, for instance, sector and region. Obstacles to growth in enterprises and attitudes to expanding activities in the enterprises are also presented.

    Newly-started enterprises annually

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics show the creation of enterprises with genuine new-started activities in different regions and sectors.

    Newly-started enterprises quarterly

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics show the creation of enterprises with genuine new-started activities in different regions and sectors.

  • Balance statistics

    The statistics show enterprises' financial assets and liabilities in the form of balance and transactions.

    Index of Service Production

    The statistics is used to measure monthly developments of Sweden's service production. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.

    Industrial capacity utilisation

    The statistics show quarterly developments of capacity utilisation in industry, in total and broken down by industry. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.

    Industrial production index (IPI)

    The statistics measure development of the Swedish industrial production on a monthly basis. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.

    Investment Survey

    The investments questionnaire highlights implemented and expected investments in the business sector. The Information is presented by industry and distributed by buildings and plants, as well as machinery and equipment. For some industries, the breakdown of investments is more detailed, for example in transport and communication.

    Non financial corporations: Foreign trade credits

    The statistics provide quarterly estimates of non-financial enterprises' foreign trade credits and show the enterprises' accounts receivable and accounts payable to foreign enterprises, per enterprise groups and others.

    Orders and turnover in industry

    The statistics is sample- and register-based and aims to measure short-term changes in new orders and turnover in industry on a monthly basis, in total and by industry, as well as domestic and export market. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.

    Quarterly economic statistics

    Quarterly economic statistics is a new product covering the private sector’s value added, investments, inventories and operating profit. The statistics is used as input in the quarterly GDP, and can also be used as individual business cycle indicators.

    Turnover in the service sector

    The statistics are based on samples and registers and are designed to measure monthly turnover trends in retail trade and quarterly wholesale trade and other service industries. The survey is coordinated with other economy-based surveys.

  • Food sales

    The statistics describe sales of food and drink in Swedish grocery stores overall and by product.

    Industrins förbrukning av inköpta varor-EN

    The aim of the survey is to show industrial raw material consumption specified by goods group level. Its purpose is to provide a better basis for calculating the GDP. The statistics helps supply detailed information needed as a basis for National Accounts' input-output tables for industry.

    Production of commodities and industrial services

    The statistics yearly present the breakdown of goods in Sweden's industrial production with information on quantity and value. Production of goods and industrial services are included in the statistics.

    Structural business statistics

    The purpose of Structural Business Statistics is to illuminate the structure of the business sector (excluding the financial and public sectors as well as households’ non-profit organisations) with regard to primarily profitability, growth, development, financing and production. The area of use is to provide answers to macro-economic questions, with regard to levels as well as over time.

    The Civil Society

    The statistics include economic data and data about the population's participation in civil society. Non-profit organisations, foundations and registered faith groups operate in civil society.

  • Foreign trade – exports and imports of goods

    The statistics cover Sweden's foreign trade in goods broken down by country and type of goods classification. The combined nomenclature (CN) provides the most detailed level, with 9 400 goods groups. SITC and SPIN refer to more general goods classification.

    Foreign trade in services

    Statistical agency: The Riksbank

    These statistics show Sweden’s foreign trade in services broken down by type of service (account item) and countries by largest values. These statistics form part of the Balance of Payment and the National Accounts.

  • Foreign controlled enterprises

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics show the scope and change in foreign control of enterprises, branches and local workplaces in Sweden.

    Research and development in international enterprises

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics highlight the scope and change in research and development carried out in Sweden and abroad by the 20-30 largest Swedish-owned enterprise groups. The statistics also highlight all international enterprises' research and development in Sweden.

    Swedish enterprise groups with affiliates abroad

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis

    The statistics include Swedish-owned enterprise groups in Sweden that have at least one subsidiary abroad. The number of enterprise groups, turnover and the number of employees by sector and country of establishment are presented.

  • Statistical Business Register

    The number of enterprises and employees by industry and size class are reported in the statistical business register, which is a register of all enterprises, government agencies, organisations and their workplaces.

  • Accommodation statistics

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth

    The statistics show guest nights, capacity and occupancy rates in hotels, holiday villages, youth hostels, campsites, and commercially arranged rentals in private cottages and apartments in Sweden.

    Tourism satellite account

    Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth

    The statistics show a summary description of tourism's economic effects.