Food sales 2023
Trend break – reduced sales of sweets during 2023
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-10-04 8.00
In 2023, total sales value of food and beverages amounted to SEK 384 billion, which is an increase of approximately SEK 28 billion, or 7.9 percent compared with 2022. Adjusted for price increases, total food sales decreased by 3.8 percent. Sweets is one of the products that the average Swede bought less of in 2023. Compared with 2022, Swedes’ sweets purchases decreased with SEK 78 per person per year.
More fruit and less sweets
Sales of sweets per person adjusted for price changes went from SEK 1,908 in 2022 to SEK 1,830 in 2023, which means a decrease of SEK 6.50 per month. Instead, Swedes chose to purchase more fruit than in previous years. Sales of fruit per person increased by SEK 31, to a total of SEK 963 per year.
A boost for private label products
The sales value of the stores’ private label products increased by 6.1 percent compared with 2022, which can be seen as an effect of higher food prices. In total, private label products were sold for SEK 88 billion in 2023. Organic products were sold for SEK 18 billion, a decrease by 3.8 percent compared with 2022. In the statistics, a lower sales value for organic products have been noted every year since 2021.
High food prices remain
The high food price development that gained momentum at the beginning of 2022 has remained high in 2023. After peaking in February 2023, inflation slowed down during the year, but remained at a higher level than before. In 2023, food prices increased by 13.4 percent, while non-alcoholic beverages increased by 11.1 percent. The prices of alcoholic beverages increased by 5.7 percent. Fish is the product that increased the most in price, 20.5 percent in 2023. The prices of fruit also increased, by 9.5 percent, but did not deter Swedes from buying more fruit in 2023 than in 2022.
A more detailed report of this survey is published in a Statistical Report.
Statistical Database
More information is available in the Statistical Database
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.