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Foreign trade in services, quarter 1 2023

Trade in services continues upward


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2023-06-02 8.00


Foreign trade in services increased during the first quarter of the year, compared to the same period last year. However, the low trade balance persisted. The main reasons for this were negative balances in both use of intellectual property and other business services.

Strong trade in services but negative trade balance

Trade in services continued to increase during the first quarter of 2023. Exports of services increased by 21 percent and imports of services by 20 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

Sweden’s exports of services were valued at SEK 253 billion in the first quarter of the year, while the value of imports was SEK 273 billion. This resulted in a negative net balance of SEK 20 billion. The corresponding figure for the same quarter last year was negative net balance of SEK 19 billion. Like before, the major underlying factors for the low balance of trade were the negative net balances for the use of intellectual property and other business services.

Large increases in financial services

The exports and imports of financial services saw significant increases during the first quarter. Exports increased by 44 percent and imports by 64 percent compared to the same period last year.

On the export side, other business services (including research and development services, administrative services and marketing services) rose by 23 percent. Telecommunication, computer and information services rose by 18 percent. Transports rose by 17 percent. Travels (consumption abroad) rose by 27 percent

On the import side, other business services rose by 13 percent. Telecommunication, computer and information services rose by 17 percent. Transports rose by 17 percent and travels rose by 54 percent.

Exports and imports, by service item Q1 2023
  Exports Imports
Service item     Share in % Change in %     Share in % Change in %
  2023Q1 2022Q1 2023Q1 2023Q1/2022Q1 2023Q1 2022Q1 2023Q1 2023Q1/2022Q1
Total 252 885 208 380 100.0 21.4 273 383 227 866 100.0 20.0
Manufacturing services 14 160 9 478 5.6 49.4 7 478 4 743 2.7 57.7
Maintenance and repair services 491 674 0.2 ‑27.2 4 183 3 407 1.5 22.8
Transport 30 205 25 735 11.9 17.4 35 186 30 215 12.9 16.5
Travel 18 414 14 535 7.3 26.7 32 407 21 103 11.9 53.6
Construction 3 005 2 841 1.2 5.8 3 592 3 684 1.3 ‑2.5
Insurance and pension services 2 546 2 541 1.0 0.2 2 030 2 051 0.7 ‑1.0
Financial services 14 862 10 317 5.9 44.1 8 093 4 943 3.0 63.7
Charges for the use of intellectual property 20 282 18 870 8.0 7.5 39 315 32 593 14.4 20.6
Telecommunications, computer, and information services 53 433 45 486 21.1 17.5 41 648 35 740 15.2 16.5
Other business services 72 507 58 944 28.7 23.0 93 028 82 103 34.0 13.3
Personal, cultural, and recreational services 21 068 17 911 8.3 17.6 5 796 6 700 2.1 ‑13.5
Government goods and services 1 912 1 047 0.8 82.6 626 583 0.2 7.4


Quarter 4 2022 has been revised.

Definitions and explanations

What is foreign trade in services?

The statistics on foreign trade in services is a presentation of all Swedish transactions related to trade in services with the rest of the world. These statistics are reported quarterly and form the basis for both the National Accounts and the current account in Balance of Payments. The section More information contains an explanation on how trade in services in the National Accounts and the Balance of Payments sometimes differ from this statistic.

Next publishing will be

2023-09-01, 08:00.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

The Riksbank


Statistics Sweden

Rebecca Vitri

+46 10 479 41 16

Christian Surtin

+46 10-479 46 86