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Production value index (PVI)

Official statistics of Sweden

Production Value Index replaces Industrial Production Index and Index of Service Production from reference period 2017M09. The time series for the old indices are still updated, and can be found in the Statistical Database.

Industrial Production Index

Index of Service Production

Key figures for Sweden

Production value index


Index 2021=100

Reference period: May 2024

-0.2 %

compared with the same period previous year

0.6 %

compared with the previous period

Statistical news

Production value index, May 2024


Private sector production increased by 0.6 percent in May 2024 compared with April 2024 in seasonally adjusted figures, and decreased by 0.2 percent compared with May 2023 in calendar adjusted figures..

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database

Statistics Service

+46 10 479 50 00
Opening hours
9:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00

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