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Orders and turnover in industry, June 2023

Orders in industry decreased in June

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2023-08-10 8.00

Total orders in industry decreased by 7.1 percent in June 2023 compared with May, in seasonally adjusted figures. Compared with June 2022, total orders in industry increased by 0.3 percent in calendar-adjusted figures.

A majority of the industrial subsectors recorded a negative development on a monthly basis. Total orders in industry decreased on both the domestic and the export market compared with May. The domestic market decreased by 2.5 percent and the export market decreased by 10 percent, in seasonally adjusted figures.

Total orders in industry increased on an annual basis

On an annual basis, total orders in industry increased by 0.3 percent compared with June 2022, in calendar-adjusted figures. Orders received from customers in Sweden decreased by 11.3 percent and orders received from customers abroad increased by 10.4 percent.

Total orders in industry in May revised

The figures for June are preliminary. Since the previous publication, the seasonally adjusted monthly development in May compared with April has been revised downwards by 0.7 percentage points to 7.1 percent. The calendar-adjusted development in May compared with May of the previous year has been revised downwards by 1.3 percentage points to 13.6 percent.


In March 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak started to significantly impact orders in industry, which should be considered when comparing annual development statistics.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the statistics, it is relevant to analyse the effects of seasonal and calendar adjustments on the statistics. Please note that data series are seasonally adjusted individually. This means that a seasonally adjusted figure for an aggregate may differ from a weighted mean of the corresponding figures for included sectors.

Percentage changes in orders
Maj 2023[1]
Jan-Jun 2023/
Jan-Jun 2022[2]
Jun 2023/
Jun 2022[2]
Share of orders in total industry 2022
    Tot Dom Exp Tot Dom Exp Tot Dom Exp  
B+C Mines and quarries and manufacturing industry ‑7.1 ‑2.5 ‑10 ‑1.4 ‑1.9 ‑1 0.3 ‑11.3 10.4 100.0
- Intermediate goods industry ‑2.2 0.6 ‑5.8 ‑1.7 ‑6.5 2 1.6 ‑10.8 13.1 42.9
- Energy excl. NACE rev 2. Section D 1.3 .. .. ‑1.7 .. .. 2.4 .. .. 8.2
- Capital goods industry ‑16.1 ‑6.7 ‑17.9 ‑3.4 1.9 ‑5.8 ‑0.1 ‑19.6 13.9 30.0
- Non-durable consumer goods industry ‑0.1 ‑1.7 ‑5.5 4.9 1 8.8 ‑0.1 ‑0.3 0.1 17.3
- Durable consumer goods industry ‑5 .. .. ‑12.5 .. .. ‑21.3 .. .. 1.7
B Mines and quarries ‑7.1 ‑6.6 ‑13 ‑10.7 ‑15.4 ‑6.7 ‑16.4 ‑18.3 ‑14.9 3.1
C Manufacturing industry ‑7.7 ‑2.1 ‑10.8 ‑1.1 ‑1.4 ‑0.9 0.7 ‑11.1 10.8 96.9
10-12 Food product, beverage and tobacco industry ‑0.1 ‑1.7 5.8 0.6 1.8 ‑4.1 1.4 1.5 1 8.8
13-15 Industry for textile and leather products 6.1 6.2 8 ‑13.9 ‑13.4 ‑14.4 ‑14.1 ‑26.3 ‑1.1 0.6
16 Industry for wood and wood products 0.2 ‑2.9 ‑5.8 ‑4.4 ‑13.5 17.9 ‑5.2 ‑19.1 32.8 5.7
17 Industry for pulp, paper and paper products .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.3
18 Industry for printing and reproduction of recorded media 1.5 .. .. ‑10.1 .. .. ‑11.9 .. .. 0.7
19 Industry for coke and refined petroleum products 1.3 .. .. ‑1.7 .. .. 2.4 .. .. 8.2
20-21 Industry for chemicals and industry for pharmaceutical products ‑7.4 9 ‑8.7 2.4 ‑1.1 3 ‑2.2 4.6 ‑3.3 11.2
22 Industry for rubber and plastic products 1.7 ‑0.8 3 ‑8.8 ‑3.4 ‑14.4 ‑2.2 0.6 ‑5.4 2.3
23 Industry for other non-metallic mineral products .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.3
24 Industry for basic metals 0.6 18.1 1.3 ‑3.5 ‑1.4 ‑4.4 ‑13.1 ‑23.6 ‑7.2 9.9
25 Industry for manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment ‑13.4 ‑13.9 ‑12.4 8.8 4.3 19.5 2.2 6.3 ‑7.6 7.3
26 Industry for manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 12 14.7 26.2 ‑12.3 ‑41.4 6 ‑41.4 ‑79.3 38.6 2.6
27 Industry for manufacture of electrical equipment ‑33 12.8 ‑44.5 59.2 7.5 78.4 122.7 15.6 180.8 3.3
28 Industry for machinery and equipment n.e.c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.4
29-30 Industry for transport equipment ‑15.7 ‑7.8 ‑27.2 ‑1.4 5.5 ‑3.5 16.4 ‑6.2 27 13.5
29 Industry for motor vehicles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12.1
30 Industry for other transport equipment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.5
31-33 Industry for other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment ‑4.9 ‑6.1 ‑2.3 ‑4.6 ‑3.4 ‑7.2 ‑8.7 ‑11.9 ‑1.3 3.8

1) Calendar and seasonally adjusted figures 2) Calendar adjusted figures 3) Data marked with .. includes classified information or missing data

Definitions and explanations


When the orders index and the turnover index for a new month are published, the indices for previous months are also revised. The material is normally revised for between two and four months retroactively, depending on which month of the quarter is the reference month. The whole previous quarter is revised when publishing the first and second months of a quarter. Calendar adjusted figures, seasonally adjusted figures and trend figures are revised from January 2000 onwards.

International comparisons

For international comparisons, please refer to Eurostat.

Short-term business statistics (STS) in brief

Next publishing will be

2023-09-08 at 8:00.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden, Innovation, Business sector production and Research section



Karl Sahlberg

+46 10 479 41 56