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Structural Business Statistics 2018 (preliminary data)

Continued growth in the business sector in 2018

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2019-12-11 9.30

The business sector continued its positive development in 2018. Preliminary data shows that enterprises’ contribution to GDP increased by 6.7 percent compared with 2017. Net turnover in the industry for waste collection and materials recovery increased by 16 percent due to a strong demand for recycled materials.

The business sector continued to develop positively in 2018. According to preliminary data, net turnover increased by 7.1 percent, to SEK 9 152 billion, and value added increased by 6.7 percent, to SEK 2 671 billion. Approximately 2 918 000 persons were employed in the business sector in 2018, which is an increase of 1.6 percent compared with 2017.

The distribution of value added among the different industries in the business sector remains on the same level as in 2017.

Value added in the business sector by industry group

Value added in the business sector by industry group

Increased demand for recovered and recycled materials

Enterprises in the industry group for energy and recycling activities had the most rapid growth in the business sector in terms of net turnover, which increased by 14.3 percent compared with 2017. Approximately 47 000 persons were employed in this industry group in 2018.

The contribution to GDP by the industry for waste collection and materials recovery increased by 11 percent, and net turnover increased by 16 percent due to a strong demand for recycled materials. This industry employed approximately 15 000 persons in 2018.

Continued positive development in the construction sector

The construction sector continued to show a positive development, as net turnover increased by 10.5 percent compared with 2017. Value added increased by 8.9 percent and the number of employees increased by 3 percent. The industry employed approximately 336 000 persons in 2018. The industry for civil engineering had the largest increase in the construction industry group, and increased its net turnover by 16.9 percent.

Increase for Swedish enterprises in the industry for motion picture and television programme production

Net turnover in the services sector increased by 6 percent compared with 2017. This is a slightly lower rate of growth than in the business sector in total. The industry for motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities increased its contribution to GDP by 19 percent compared with 2017. Net turnover in this industry increased by 7.8 percent and amounted to SEK 36 billion in 2018. Approximately 10 000 persons were employed in this industry in 2018.

Structural Business Statistics is the only survey that is based on annual accounts from all non-financial enterprises in Sweden. Data is also presented by industry (according to NACE Rev2) in the databases.

Definitions and explanations

All information is reported in current prices. All comparisons in this statistical news have been made using final data for 2017.

Net turnover: Net turnover excluding excise taxes and merchanting.

Employees: Average number of employees, full-time: two half-time employees are counted as one full-time employee.

Value added: Actual production minus costs for purchased goods and services, except salaries, payroll taxes and the costs of goods for resale (because only the trade margin for these is included in the production value).

Business sector: Enterprises conducting business activities in Sweden regardless of legal form. Businesses with financial activities and housing cooperatives are not included in Structural Business Statistics. Public administration activities are also not included.

Industrial sector comprises NACE 05–33 according to NACE Rev2.

Services sector comprises NACE 45–96 (excl. 64–66 and 84) according to NACE Rev2.

Energy and Recycling comprises NACE 35-39 according to NACE Rev2.

Construction sector comprises NACE 41–43 according to NACE Rev2.

Other sector comprises NACE 01–04 according to NACE Rev2.

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Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Business Structure

701 89 Örebro


Johanna Barry Vallin

+46 10 479 68 64

Mariah Nilsson

+46 10 479 65 65