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Quarterly Economic Statistics, Q2 2023

Private sector profitability decreased in quarter 2 2023

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2023-08-25 8.00

The total private sector’s operating profit decreased during the second quarter of the year, shows a new survey that Statistics Sweden compiles.

The private sector’s operating profit before depreciation and write-downs decreased by 15.0 percent during the second quarter of 2023, compared to the corresponding quarter last year. The operating income increased by 2.1 percent and the operating costs, excluding personnel costs, increased by 3.7 percent. Personnel costs increased by 7.0 percent. The operating margin decreased by 1.9 percentage points to 9.5 percent.

Private sector’s operating profit and operating margin, billion SEK and percent

Graph: Private sector’s operating profit and operating margin, billion SEK and percent

Note. Total private sector refers to NACE B05-S96, excl. K64-66, L68, O84-Q88. The operating margin before depreciation and write-downs is calculated as the operating profit’s share of the operating income.

The operating profit within the goods producers increased by 0.3 percent. The operating margin decreased by 0.5 percentage points to 12.8 percent. The operating profit within the service producers decreased by 30.9 percent. The operating margin decreased by 3.1 percentage points to 6.8 percent.

Private sector’s operating profit by profit item, annual rate of change, percent
Quarter 2 2023 Goods Services Total private sector
Operating income 3.8 0.9 2.1
Operating costs, excl. depreciation, write-downs and personnel costs 4.5 3.1 3.7
Personnel costs 3.4 9.2 7
Operating profit before depreciation and write-downs 0.3 ‑30.9 ‑15
Operating margin before depreciation and write-downs 12.8(-0.5) 6.8(-3.1) 9.5(-1.9)

Note. Total private sector refers to NACE B05-S96, excl. K64-66, L68, O84-Q88. Goods producers refers to NACE B05-F43. Service producers refers to NACE G45-S96, excl. K64-66, L68, O84-Q88. The operating margin before depreciation and write-downs is calculated as the operating profit’s share of the operating income. Numbers within parentheses refers to yearly change in percentage points.

About the statistics

This survey is designed as a census of businesses covering the target population. An income statement is collected from 400 large and significant businesses. For the remaining part of the businesses included in the target population, administrative data from the Swedish Tax Agency are used.

The statistics is under development and will, during reference year 2023, only be published on this webpage. From reference year 2024 the statistics is expected to become Official Statistics. In connection with the publication of the first quarter reference year 2024 a comprehensive documentation will be available.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Sebastian Rask

+46 10 479 40 29