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Quarterly Economic Statistics, Q2 2024

Private sector profitability improved during the second quarter of the year

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-08-23 8.00

The private sector operating profit increased by 8.8 percent compared with the corresponding quarter last year. The operating margin amounted to 8.1 percent, an increase by 0.5 percentage points. Gross fixed capital formation increased by 13.4 percent and investments in inventories decreased by 20.0 billion SEK, all measured in current prices.

What is Quarterly economic statistics?

Quarterly economic statistics is a statistical product describing the private sector’s economic activities. Quarterly economic statistics covers private sector profitability, value added, gross fixed capital formation and changes in inventories. The statistics is used as input to the quarterly GDP, and can also be used as individual business cycle indicators.

Summary of the second quarter

All percentage and nominal changes are measured in current prices.

  • The operating profit increased by 8.8 percent compared with the corresponding quarter last year. The operating margin amounted to 8.1 percent.
  • The total value added increased by 4.4 percent compared to the corresponding quarter last year. Total production increased by 2.9 percent and total intermediate consumtion increased by 2.1 percent.
  • Gross fixed capital formation increased by 13.4 percent compared with the corresponding quarter last year. The largest contribution came from investments in other buildings and constructions.
  • Total inventories decreased by 20.0 billion SEK compared to the last quarter. The speed of stockbuilding is hence decelarating, since the change in inventories decreased by 5.7 billion SEK during the corresponding quarter last year.

Next publishing will be

2024-11-22 at 08.00.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Sebastian Rask

+46 10 479 40 29