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Education and research in the Higher Education Sector
Surveys by statistics areas
Analysis, trends and forecasts in education and the labour market
Analysis concerning education and the labour market
Here you can find analyses on skills supply and demand as well as various reports on the relationship between education and the labour market. You can also find Statistics Sweden's data on labour immigration to Sweden.
The forecast calculates the future trend in the number of gainfully employed persons and number of hours worked and what the changes mean for the future dependency ratio. The forecast is made about every three years and has a time horizon of 20 to 25 years.
The statistics show the labour market situation and outlook for one and three years respectively for about 70 educational groups, most of which are university programmes. The results are based on responses to a survey of a sample of employers. The survey has been carried out each autumn since 1959.
Trends and forecasts for education and labour market
The report presents long-term forecasts of the supply and demand for labour for different educational groups. This is done by studying flows through the education system and labour market as well changes in educational requirements in different parts of the labour market.
Financial aid
Disbursement of financial student aid
Statistical agency: Swedish National Board of Student Aid
Statistics on payment of student aid are published in a database on CSN's (The Swedish Board of Student Finance) website. Here you can find statistics and time series dating back as far as 2001. Older statistics (from 1965) are available as pdf-files.
Student loan debt and repayment of student finance
Statistical agency: Swedish National Board of Student Aid
Statistics on student debt and payment of student loans are published in a database on CSN's (The Swedish Board of Student Finance) website. Here you can find statistics and time series dating back as far as 2009. Older statistics (from 1965) are available as pdf-files.
The use of financial student aid
Statistical agency: Swedish National Board of Student Aid
Statistics on the use of student financial aid are published in a database on the CSN (Swedish Board of Student Finance) website. Data on the proportion of individuals using student financial aid is available starting from the second half of 2010.
Folk education
Annual statistics on the participants in folk high school are presented by type of course, rate of study, field of education, level of education, national background, gender, region and year. Annual statistics on the educational staff and costs of the folk high school are also presented here.
Statistics Sweden has been responsible for statistics on adult education associations since 2020. As from 2021, official statistics on adult education association activities, participants in study circles and other adult education activities are presented here.
Higher education
Annual report for universities and university colleges
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The annual report provides a comprehensive picture of the Swedish higher education sector with the aid of statistics on all areas within the higher education system. The report addresses what has happened in the past year, but also shows long-term trends. The annual report also contains international comparisons.
Applicants and admitted to higher education at first and second cycle studies
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show applicants and students admitted to higher education with a focus on those who have not previously participated in post-secondary education, broken down by sex, age, programme, and university/college.
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show the number of employees at universities and institutes of higher education, broken down by employee category, research area, research topic group, age, sex, education level and form of employment.
Financial statistics on higher education
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show invested financial resources for the universities' activities and describes the universities' finances.
International student mobility in higher education
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show the number of incoming and outgoing students by sex and age, the number of exchange students and so-called free mover students, and the number of paying students by geographic region and country.
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show graduation rate and the level of achievement at undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as the number of full-time students by sex, age, programme/course, university, and Swedish/entering students.
Research in the higher education sector
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics illustrates research conducted within higher education institutions from several perspectives. Including research output in the form of scientific publications, researchers' mobility and international recruitment of researchers.
Student completion and result of higher education at first and second cycle studies
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show graduation rate and the level of achievement at undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as the number of full-time students by sex, age, programme/course, university, and Swedish/entering students.
Students and graduates at first and second cycle studies
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show details and changes in the number of entrants, registered students and degrees/graduates by university/college, area/subject, sex and age.
Swedish and foreign background among students and doctoral students in higher education
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show how many persons with Swedish and foreign backgrounds who begin university studies in Sweden. Swedish and foreign backgrounds are presented for students and university entrants at undergraduate and graduate levels, entrants at the post-graduate level and active doctoral students.
Third-cycle students and third-cycle qualifications
Statistical agency: Swedish Higher Education Authority
The statistics show changes in first-year students, doctoral students and graduate degrees in terms of number, sex, age, study funding, length of studies, etc. within different research disciplines and universities/colleges.
Higher vocational education and arts and culture courses
The statistics show number of applicants to higher vocational education as well as students and graduates.
The statistics show number of students and students completing their programme in fine arts- and culture programmes and certain other programmes.
Population education and study participation
The statistics show the percentage of adults participating in education, broken down by level of education, type of household, country of birth, sex and age. The survey is common to the EU and was carried out for the first time in Sweden 2005/2006 and subsequently since 2012. Comparable results from the EU countries are published by Eurostat.
These statistics are no longer updated.
Analysis and statistics concerning education of the population
Statistics in the area of education of the population, which provides more detail with regard to official statistics in the area, are presented here. The statistics refer to the education of the population, different education groups’ transition to and position on the labour market, as well as new issues in the area that are relevant in the public debate. Reports are published mainly in the report series Thematic reports.
Continuing Vocational Training Statistics (CVTS)
The results from the survey, Continuing Vocational Training Statistics (CVTS), describes provision of staff training by the enterprises, employees participation in staff training, staff training hours and staff training costs during 2015 by economic activity and size of the enterprise. The survey constitutes of enterprises mainly in private sector with 10 employees or more. The survey is coordinated by the European Union and results from the countries in EU are published by Eurostat.
Distance learning in higher education
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
Educational attainment of the population
The statistics show the level of education and specialisation by sex, age and national background. Also shown are the country of emigration and immigration year for immigrants, and the immigration country and emigration year for emigrants.
The statistics show the costs for preschool, leisure time centres, compulsory school, upper secondary and post-secondary school as well as the total cost per type of school/activities and as a percentage of GDP.
Employment and income after completed education
These statistics present employment, employment status and income 1, 3, 5, and 10 years after completed education. The forms of education that are included here are upper secondary school, higher vocational education and higher education. The statistics have been produced in a way that makes it possible to compare the forms of education.
The purpose of the survey is to describe the labour market for persons with different educational backgrounds.
These statistics are no longer updated.
Foreign doctoral students 2013
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
Higher education plans of upper secondary school pupils
The survey has been conducted since the 1992/93 academic year and focuses on the interest in pursuing higher education among pupils in the third year of upper secondary school. The statistics show, among other things, plans to pursue higher education within three years, the intended course of study, and the field of study.
The survey on highly educated foreign-born persons is a sample survey. The aim of the survey is to map the situation in the labour market for foreign-born persons with higher education, to what extent they have found work and to what extent they have found work that corresponds to their education.
Labour market for highly educated persons
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
Labour market for persons with postgraduate degrees
These statistics are no longer updated.
Living conditions of students in higher education
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
These statistics are no longer updated.
These statistics are no longer updated.
Panel of students for longitudinal studies
Statistics Sweden (SCB) has a system of longitudinal sample surveys for reviewing the school situation during years 3-9 in compulsory education. Until now 7 cohorts have been followed through compulsory education. The latest panel is called panel 8 and started with a sample of about 10 percent of the pupils in year 3 in the spring 2014. The majority of these pupils were born 2004. The previous panel was based on a sample of year 3 pupils in 2008. Most of them were born 1998. Before that the intervals between the cohorts were 5 years.
Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
The statistics show basic knowledge and skills of adults that are used in everyday life and required for successful participation in society, for example, reading comprehension, numeracy, and problem solving with the help of IT/computers broken down by sex, age, foreign background, employment and educational background.
Register on Participation in Education
The statistics show participation in education for persons aged 16-74 years, and the students' labour market status, educational level and the presence of student financial aid broken down by age, sex and region.
An update of the statistics is currently not planned. The statistics on participation in personnel training are reported in the Survey on adult participation in education.
Swedish education in international statistics
The statistics are no longer updated.
Swedish tuition for immigrants
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
Teachers outside the profession
The statistics show the teachers' occupation. Number of teachers within and out of their profession. It also describes the contribution to why people of working age with a teaching degree/teaching licence choose another profession. The statistics are, for example, presented by gender and type of school at the time of last employment.
The period between upper secondary school and university/higher education
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
These statistics are no longer updated.
The transition from upper secondary school to post-secondary education
The statistics show the number and percentage of students completing upper secondary schools who choose to continue studying in post-secondary education.
Upper secondary vocational education
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
Yearbook of Educational Statistics
The yearbook summarises and presents statistics for the different types of schools in Sweden and provides a brief description of the Swedish education system.
Youths without completed upper secondary school education
No updates of these statistics are currently scheduled.
School system and child daycare
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
Compulsory school: grades year 6
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show students' grades by subject, the percentage who achieved knowledge requirements, grade point average, etc. broken down by type of responsible agency, sex, and parents' and students' backgrounds.
Compulsory school: leaving certificate
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show pupils' grades per subject, grade point average, average merit rating, percentage who achieved knowledge requirements, percentage qualifying for upper secondary school, broken down by type of responsible agency, sex, and parents' and students' background.
Compulsory school: pupils enrolled at 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics cover the school forms preschool, compulsory school and Sami school and show the number of pupils and school units, eligibility and participation in mother tongue education, choice of language, and the presence of special support.
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
Education for pupils with learning disabilities: pupils per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
Education for pupils with learning disabilities: pupils per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of pupils by sex, grade, programmes and responsible agency; the number of pupils who are integrated at least one-half of the time and the number of students who study their mother tongue and Swedish as a second language.
Education for students with learning disabilities: students per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
Establishment in the labour market and education after adult education
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show womens´ and mens’ establishment in the labour market or further studies after completing their education. The central measure used is establishment status, which is produced by Statistics Sweden based on several registers on employment and education. The statistics include establishment status 1 and 2 years after completion of education and are shown per scope and orientation for the education and for various background factors.
Establishment in the labour market and education after upper secondary school
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show womens´ and mens’ establishment in the labour market or further studies after completing their education. The central measure used is establishment status, which is produced by Statistics Sweden based on several registers on employment and education. The statistics include establishment status 1, 3 and 5 years after completion of education and are shown per upper secondary school program and for various background factors.
Expenditure on pre-school activities, school-age childcare, schools and adult education
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the total cost and cost per student, total cost of teaching and per student, total costs excluding premises, etc.
Leisure-time centres: Pupils and staff, National level
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics include the number of centres, group size, pupil/staff ratio and staff training.
Municipal Adult Education for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of students, broken down by sex and level of study, the number of students born in Sweden and abroad, and the group size and number of hours of study per week.
Municipal adult education in Swedish for immigrants
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of students, broken down by sex and level of study, the number of students born in Sweden and abroad, and the group size and number of hours of study per week.
Municipal adult education: pupils, course participants and educational results
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of students and course participants at the education centres, the overall study results, and the most common courses broken down by responsible agency, study level, sex, age, etc.
National tests upper secondary school: results
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show average achieved test grades, broken down by autumn and spring term, sex, programme, Swedish/foreign background and educational level of the students' parents as well as the percentage distribution of the achieved test grade.
National tests year 6: results
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show pupils' test grades reported by type of responsible agency, sex, and the background of the parents and pupils. National tests in year 6 are conducted in Swedish/Swedish as a second language, mathematics and English.
National tests year 9: results
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show pupils' test grades reported by type of responsible agency, sex, and the background of the parents and pupils. National tests in year 9 are conducted in Swedish/Swedish as a second language, mathematics and English, as well as the natural and social sciences.
Other pedagogical activities: children and staff per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show operations, staff and, where appropriate, children enrolled in pedagogical care, open preschool, open leisure time centres, and care when the preschool or leisure time centres are not available.
Pre-school: Children and staff per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show group sizes, pupil/staff ratios, level of education of staff and costs.
Register of teaching personnel
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of teachers, the percentage of teachers with pedagogical/special education degrees, and the number of pupils per teacher and vocational guidance counsellor.
Results from national tests, third year
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show pupils' test grades reported by type of responsible agency, sex, and the background of the parents and pupils. National tests in year 3 are conducted in the subjects Swedish/Swedish as a second language and mathematics.
Special school: pupils per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of pupils broken down by sex, age, grade, home municipality, and housing. The statistics also contain data on the number of pupils participating in mother tongue education.
Swedish education abroad: pupils, teachers and educational results
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show teachers, pupils, results and costs of Swedish schools abroad for preschool classes, compulsory and secondary education, distance learning and supplementary Swedish education.
Upper Secondary School Diplomas and Study Certificates
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show grade point average for students with leaving certificate, broken down by programme, sex, Swedish/foreign background and educational level of the students' parents. Statistics are also available on basic eligibility for post-secondary education, completion rates, and transition to municipal adult education and higher education.
Upper secondary school: applicants and admissions
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the students' first choice, eligibility and admission to upper secondary school by study programme and by sex, Swedish/foreign background, and level of parental education.
Upper secondary school: pupils enrolled as per 15 October
Statistical agency: Swedish National Agency for Education
The statistics show the number of students per programme and specialisation in secondary schools by sex, grade, responsible agency, Swedish/foreign background and level of parental education. Student flows and programme changes are also presented.