Labour immigrants from third countries, 2001-2023
Fewer labour market immigrants from third countries 2023
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-12-11 8.00
During 2023, 8 300 labour immigrants from countries outside the EU/EES came to Sweden with the aim to stay at last a year. That was a lower number compared to 2022, when 10 400 came to Sweden. The decrease is due to a fewer highly qualified labour immigrants coming to Sweden compared to 2022.
These are results presented in a new report produced by Statistics Sweden (SCB). The statistics are a part-report in the government assignment to attract and retain international talent 'Work in Sweden'.
Between 2001 and 2023, 110 900 labour immigrants from third countries registered their residence in Sweden for the first time. Of those, 64 200 were still in Sweden and working in 2023.
– This is a substantial contribution to the labour force in Sweden, comments economist Fredrik W. Andersson.
Of those registering for the first time in 2023, 6 800 gained employment the same year. Half had an occupation which requires an advanced higher education qualification or a managerial position (this group is further on named as highly qualified). A third had an occupation requiring a higher education or vocational upper-secondary degree (medium qualified). 18 per cent had an occupation without any requirements regarding educational qualification or data about their occupation was not available.
More highly qualified immigrants over time, but lower numbers 2023
The number of labour immigrants who registered their residence in Sweden in 2022 or 2023 respectively, and gained employment the same year, decreased from 7 600 persons in 2022 to 6 800 persons in 2023.
– The decrease is due to the decrease in the number of highly qualified labour immigrants. Between 2002 and 2023, the numbers dropped by 1 000 persons, explains analyst Paula Kossack.
Over a longer period, the number of highly qualified immigrants has risen substantially and reached a top in 2019. During the pandemic, the numbers dropped, but reached a new top in 2022.
The number with a medium qualification occupation also increased until 2019 and decreased during the pandemic. After the pandemic, the numbers increased slowly but have not reached pre-pandemic levels.
The number with an occupation without education requirements has been varying over time but has never passed a 1 000 any single year.
The development is the same for women as for men.
Labour immigrants being employed during the year they register in Sweden and their occupation’s qualification level. Year of immigration 2011–2023
Facts about labour immigrants from countries outside EU/EES
Of those coming to Sweden 2023, 71 per cent were men and 29 per cent were women. Most labour immigrants are young. The median age in 2023 was 33 years. In 2023, the majority came from Asia, followed by Europe outside EU/Nordic countries. The largest group were labour immigrants from India (27 per cent), followed by China, Türkiye, Balkan countries outside EU, Iran, Great Britain, Russia, Brazil, and USA.
A larger share stays longer in Sweden and works
The share of labour immigrants still in the country the year after registration has risen over time, from 64 per cent in 2001 to 92 per cent in 2022. Furthermore, the share remaining in the country after 3, 5 and 10 years has risen as well. In 2022, 73 per cent of those who registered three years earlier were still in the country, 65 per cent of those coming 5 years earlier, and 53 per cent of those coming 10 years earlier.
The proportion being employed has also risen over time and reached a peak among those registering their residence for the first time in 2021. Of those, 89 per cent were employed in 2022. It was the same result for men as for women. Both the numbers regarding retention and employment are adjusted for suspected overcoverage in the population register.
The largest share of labour immigrants in 2023 who gained employment the same year, worked in the field of software producers and data consultants. Regarding occupations, ICT- and engineering occupations were the most prevalent. Within the group of engineers, people from India were the largest group, followed by Türkiye and China. People from India hold an even bigger share when it comes to ICT- occupations. Within most occupations, the median yearly income from work was higher for labour immigrants compared to a Swedes in the age of 25-45 years.
Definitions and explanations
Description of the population
The statistics cover labour immigrants from countries outside the EU/EEA, so-called third countries. They must be aged 18—69 the year they register their residence in Sweden. The statistics include labour immigrants who registered their residence for the first time during 2001—2023 and who have received a work permit decision from the Swedish Migration Agency. Labour immigrants with work permits shorter than one year cannot register their residence and are not included in the statistics. The data has been retrieved from the longitudinal database for integration studies (STATIV).
For statistics on retention and employment, only individuals who are aged 18—64 in the follow-up year are included. This is to provide a relevant description of the proportion of people who working each year. The statistics have been adjusted to suspected overcoverage in the population register. Individuals who are estimated not to remain in Sweden have been removed from the statistics when calculating retention and employment.
Labour immigrants' qualification levels
To highlight the qualification levels of labour immigrants, information about the occupations for which they have received their work permits is used. This information has been available since 2011. Occupations are coded by the Swedish Migration Agency according to the Standard for Swedish Occupational Classification (SSYK2012). The occupations in SSYK are divided into different qualification levels:
- Managerial positions
- Occupations requiring advanced higher education qualifications
- Occupations requiring higher education qualifications or equivalent
- Occupations requiring upper secondary education (five occupational groups)
- Occupations requiring short-term training or introduction
The occupations are grouped by referring to groups 1 and 2 as individuals with high qualification levels, groups 3 and 4 as individuals with medium qualification levels, and group 5 as individuals with low qualification levels.
Note that the Swedish Migration Agency usually refers to groups 1-3 as highly qualified. Statistics Sweden instead refers to individuals with at least three years of higher education as highly educated. Occupations requiring advanced higher education qualifications usually require such education. Therefore, the classification by the Swedish Migration Agency is not followed here.
Employment data
Employment data refers to employment in the month of November and is retrieved for 2001—2019 from the register-based labour market statistics (RAMS) and for 2020—2023 from the population's employment status (BAS).
The core workforce includes native-born individuals aged 25 to 54.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.