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Best match among persons with health and medical care education


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2018-12-20 9.30


Eight out of ten employed persons work in an occupation that to some degree matches their education. Persons with post-secondary education, to a higher degree than those with an upper secondary education, work in an occupation that matches their education. Persons with human health and medical care education have the best matching levels, although most teaching programmes also have high matching levels.

Eight out of ten employed persons aged 20 to 64 years in 2016 worked in an occupation that matched their education to some degree. In general, there is a higher matching level among those with post-secondary education than among those with upper secondary education.

However, there are major differences between different upper secondary vocational programmes. Those trained in construction technology and human health and social care have high matching levels on the labour market. On the other hand, the proportion of those with an occupation that is considered to match their education less well includes training in restaurant services, food, childcare, and business and administration.

Differences are also large among those with different post-secondary education. The proportion of employees who work in a fully matching occupation varies between various post-secondary educations, from less than half to virtually all those in the education group.

Education groups in health and medical care, such as doctors, nurses, midwives and dentists have good matching levels. The same applies to most teacher groups and those trained as police. Educational programmes with a good matching level on the labour market often have clear target occupations, such as certified occupations in healthcare and medical care or teaching.

On the other hand, considerably fewer among those trained in the humanities and arts have an occupation that matches their education. Less than half of those with a higher education in humanities or a post-secondary education in arts have an occupation that fully matches their education.

These results are available in the report “Matchningen på arbetsmarknaden – sambandet mellan utbildning och yrke”. This report highlights matching between education and occupation on the current labour market. The study shows the occupations in which employees with various educational backgrounds work, and the extent to which they work in an occupation that is considered to match their education.

Definitions and explanations

The matching assessment used in this report is based on an extensive assessment carried out in connection with Statistics Sweden’s long-term forecast in “Trender och prognoser”. Both subject and level matching is taken into account in the assessments.

Subject matching indicates how well the field of education or subject matches the subject area of the occupation.

Level matching indicates how well the level of education matches the level of education normally required for the occupation.

Full matching means that the subject area of the education and occupation are considered to fully match, and the level of education is considered to be appropriate for the occupation in question.


Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.