Labour Market Tendency Survey 2022
Major shortages of both teachers and graduates from vocational programmes in upper secondary education
The Labour Market Tendency Survey 2022 shows a major shortage of both teachers and graduates from various vocational programmes. When it comes to teachers of such programmes, 9 out of 10 employers report difficulties in finding qualified staff. Furthermore, there is a shortage of graduates from vocational training programmes within technology and manufacturing as well as from the transport programme. Shortages of healthcare workers remain for many types of graduates, for example those in specialist nursing and radiography. We also see recruitment shortages for persons with some types of engineering education.
Continued shortages of specialised teachers and educators, especially among those trained in vocational education
Employers report a severe shortage of vocational teachers, with 9 out of 10 reporting difficulties in finding qualified applicants. Even employers in search of primary school teachers specialised in leisure and early secondary school teachers in mathematics and science report challenges in finding staff with the required educational backgrounds.
Shortage of people with certain types of vocational education
Employers report difficulties in finding upper secondary school vocational education graduates within technology and manufacturing, among other areas. Particularly sought are people with skills within cooling and heat pump technologies, but also specialists in automation. Demand is also large for persons with vocational education within the transport field.
High demand for many types of engineers in the coming years
Employers report difficulty finding graduates within engineering physics and within mechanical, transport, vehicle and aviation engineering. Many of these educational backgrounds are among those for which demand is expected to increase most in the coming three years.
Shortage of medical secretaries and people with an education in programming and information systems, otherwise good or balanced supply of social science graduates
Approximately 7 out of 10 employers who employ medical secretaries report a shortage of applicants. The same is true for employers of programmers and persons educated in information systems. Programmers and information systems experts are among those for whom demand will increase most in the coming three years
Sciences, agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine
The supply of people educated within these fields varies, but employers report a continued shortage of veterinarians and those with an upper secondary education in land management. For recently graduated physicists, agronomists, chemists and biologists the supply is more balanced.
Definitions and explanations
The Labour Market Tendency Survey is a yearly survey that provides information on the current labour market situation and prospects for the coming years for 71 educational programmes, of which 13 are upper secondary level and 58 are in higher education. Every year in august, questionnaires are sent to roughly 7 000 workplaces. Questions are posed regarding the supply of applicants (Good supply/Balance/Shortage), and how employers expect the number of employees with backgrounds within specific educational programmes represented at their workplaces will change in coming year and in the coming three years (Increase/No change/Decrease).
Being a survey, the estimates in The Labour Market Tendency Survey come with a degree of uncertainty. The margins of error in this study are relatively high in comparison to many others. This affects the conclusions that can be drawn from some of the presented results. The margins of error are presented along with the results in the Statistical database. Particularly uncertain findings are highlighted in the report.
The results of the Labour Market Tendency Survey are published in the Statistical Database. Time series, including margins of error, for all educational programmes from 2005 to 2022 are presented there.
The results will also be published in the report “Arbetskraftsbarometern 2021 – Vilka utbildningar ger jobb”. This is a publication that is primarily aimed at pupils and students who will soon be choosing training and educational programmes. The report presents statistics on each programme and summarises the results for the past year, together with statistics on wages and salaries and other facts about the programmes.
Next publishing will be
Labour Market Tendency Survey 2023, 2023-12-13 at 08:00
Statistical Database
More information is available in the Statistical Database
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.