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Folk High School statistics

Official statistics of Sweden

Upcoming publishing: 2025-03-28

Annual statistics on the participants in folk high school are presented by type of course, rate of study, field of education, level of education, national background, gender, region and year. Annual statistics on the educational staff and costs of the folk high school are also presented here.

Statistical news

Participation in folk high school most common in the northern parts of Sweden


The proportion of residents in Norrbotten and Västerbotten who studied at a folk high school within their own county is more than three times higher compered to the average of Sweden. The counties of Uppsala, Halland and Kronoberg have the lowest participation rate among residents.

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database


Title Language Type Date
Follow-up of general course at folk high school Swedish Report 2023-03-02
Social background of beginners on special courses - Folk high school Swedish Report 2023-02-22
Eligibility after general courses Swedish Report 2022-01-13
Folk high school spring and autumn term 2016 Swedish SM 2017-12-20
Folk high-school spring and autumn term 2015 Swedish SM 2016-12-14
Folk high school spring and autumn term 2014 Swedish with elements of English SM 2015-10-08
Folk high school spring and autumn term 2013 Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-05-16
Folk high school spring and autumn term 2012 Swedish with elements of English SM 2013-05-16

Statistics Service

+46 10 479 50 00
Opening hours
9:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00

Do you have questions about our statistics?

Robert Hansson

+46 10 479 65 23

Samuel Snickars

+46 10 479 64 35

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