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Adult education prior to higher vocational education 2020

Many people attended municipal adult education before higher vocational education


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2021-06-14 9.30


Among those who entered higher vocational programmes in 2020, about one in four received credits from municipal adult education in the three-year period prior to their studies. This percentage is somewhat higher among women than among men.

The proportion of those who attended municipal adult education before higher vocational education is twice as high among foreign born persons compared with persons born in Sweden. Among persons born in Sweden, about 20 percent attended municipal adult education, compared with about 40 percent among foreign born persons. This proportion is even larger among those who have been in Sweden a shorter period of time. Most highly educated people who attended municipal adult education before studying higher vocational education are foreign born.

Proportion of those who attended municipal adult education by country of birth and time in Sweden

Accepted students who commenced higher vocational studies in 2020 and who received credits from municipal adult education some time during 2017–2020 (1–3 years before higher vocational education)


The proportion of those who had attended municipal adult education earlier was roughly equal to the proportion of those who commenced higher vocational studies in 2019 and those who commenced higher vocational studies in 2020.

Municipal adult education is a way to achieve qualification to higher vocational education

Since its start in 2009, higher vocational education had been increasingly expanded. An important premise for the expansion has been a sufficient number of qualified applicants. People who lack basic or special qualification to higher vocational education can achieve this through municipal adult education.

A new report shows how many people studied in municipal adult education before attending higher vocational education and within which groups this is particularly common. The report also presents the scope and focus of municipal adult education studies and which courses were most popular.


Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Paula Kossack

+46 10 479 60 05

Sofi Petrell

+46 10 479 64 76


Statistics Sweden, Education and Jobs

701 89 Örebro