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Surveys by statistics areas
Energy balances
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show the supply, conversion and final use of energy broken down by energy carriers, energy flows and industry.
Local and regional energy statistics
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show production of electricity and district heating, fuels used and the final energy consumption in counties and municipalities.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show the supply, conversion and final use of energy broken down by energy carriers, energy flows and industry.
Energy supply, use and efficiency
Annual energy statistics (electricity, gas and district heating)
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show the supply and consumption of electricity broken down by type of production and type of consumption, fuel consumption for electricity generation by type of production and fuel, as well as electricity consumption by area of use (industry).
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
This survey of energy use in leisure houses is made on commission by the Swedish Energy Agency in the year 2001 and the figures relate to the same year. Some comparisons are made with the preceding survey of 1976. Only a Swedish version of the report is available.
Energy consumption in the construction sector
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Energy use in the construction industry’ is an intermittent survey. It was most recently conducted in 2023 and referred to energy use in 2022. This survey was also carried out in 2017, 2005 and 1986. The years that the survey is not conducted, results are published using model estimation. The statistics are currently published on the Swedish Energy Agency’s website.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The Swedish Energy Agency commissioned Statistics Sweden to survey energy consumption in forestry for 2006. The second latest completed survey refers to 1985 and projections have been made thereafter.
Energy consumption in the fishery sector
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The Swedish Energy Agency commissioned Statistics Sweden to survey energy consumption in the fishery sector in 2005.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Energy statistics for multi-dwelling buildings
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show type of heating, energy consumption and the heated area in multi-dwelling building buildings.
Energy statistics for non-residential buildings
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show type of heating, energy consumption and the heated area in non-residential buildings.
Energy statistics for one- and two dwelling buildings
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show type of heating, energy consumption and the heated area in permanently occupied one- or two-dwelling buildings.
Summary of energy statistics for dwellings and non-residential premises
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show type of heating, energy consumption and the heated area in one- or two-dwelling buildings, multi-dwelling buildings and non-residential buildings.
Energy use in manufacturing industry
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Industrial energy consumption broken down by energy carriers and sectors. Beginning 2005, the statistics are available on the agency's website.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show fuel consumption and storage in electricity, gas and heating plants and in the mining and manufacturing industry, broken down by type of fuel and industry.
Deliveries of natural gas, biomethane gas and hydrogen gas for transport
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show deliveries of natural gas, biomethane gas and hydrogen gas for transport by month. Once a year (in February) the statistics also show deliveries of the gas by county, as well as number of filling stations.
Monthly fuel, gas and stocks statistics
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Monthly fuel, gas and inventory statistics show supplies and deliveries of crude oil and petroleum products as well as liquid biofuels used in the transport sector. The data may change up to 24 months after publication.
Monthly electricity statistics, including switches of electricity supplier
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show electricity consumption by areas of usage, electricity supply by type of production and change of electricity suppliers by customer category.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show production, imports and exports broken down in unprocessed wood fuels.
Oil deliveries – presented by municipalities
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show deliveries of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil and ethanol to the final consumer by municipality and county, as well as how much gas fuel for vehicles (biogas and natural gas) is delivered at the county level.
Production of biogas and digestate
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show the total energy consumption for domestic transport, broken down by type of transport and for the entire transport sector, as well as the consumption of gasoline, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, CNG, natural gas and biogas.
Price trends in the energy sector
Electricity prices and electricity contracts
The statistics provide insights into various aspects, including the trends and changes in electricity trading and grid prices, the distribution of contracts across different agreement types, and the frequency of electricity contract renegotiations.
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show what households and industries pay on average per calendar half-year and consumer category for natural gas, including network distribution, fees and taxes. The statistics are published twice a year. Beginning 2007, the prices are calculated as average prices per six months.
Wood fuel, peat and waste prices
Statistical agency: Swedish Energy Agency
The statistics show price trends for wood fuels, peat and waste prices by type of fuel and consumer.