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Deliveries of natural gas and biomethane for transport, year 2009-2024, total

1 000 Nm3
Natural gas,
1 000 Nm3
Total gas,
1 000 Nm3
Number of gas stations
Year Public,
non public
gas stations
Busses etc. Public,
non public
gas stations
Busses etc. Public,
non public
gas stations
Busses etc. Public
gas stations
gas stations
Busses etc.
2009 20 554 21 698 10 334 15 403 30 888 37 101
2010 33 055 26 093 15 747 17 916 48 802 44 009 122 16 31
2011 42 894 32 141 23 571 22 018 66 465 54 159 132 21 33
2012 47 970 35 296 29 307 27 158 77 277 62 454 138 20 37
2013 50 672 39 175 28 887 27 816 79 559 66 991 147 20 38
2014 51 856 48 342 27 697 30 814 79 553 79 156 155 19 44
2015 51 986 64 340 22 243 18 044 74 229 82 384 161 18 42
2016 50 363 68 206 24 372 14 306 74 735 82 512 170 18 47
2017 60 940 72 674 10 664 8 604 71 604 81 278 175 17 47
2018 64 015 78 023 5 667 6 177 69 681 84 200 185 14 50
2019 67 209 81 882 4 881 3 282 72 090 85 164 193 11 46
2020 61 517 77 751 4 460 1 819 65 977 79 570 171 15 52
2021 76 047 69 950 3 496 1 910 79 543 71 860 224 13 50
2022 70 752 76 184 3 160 2 505 73 912 78 689 228 12 46
2023 67 510 75 413 4 655 1 490 72 165 76 903 228 14 49
2024 69 694 75 223 3 577 1 695 73 271 76 917 235 14 46

Definitions and explanations

Public gas stations are stations opened for public. Public gas stations also include gas stations with limited opening hours, and gas stations where special card is required.

Non-public gas stations are gas stations dedicated to some vehicle fleets and/or companies. It also include non-public gas stations dedicated for quick refuel. 

Gas stations for busses, are gas stations dedicated only for busses, placed near by a bus depot. It also include gas stations placed near by a bus depot where other vehicles than busses, with specific permission, can refuel.

Note, in the number of gas stations there are also gas stations for liquified gas (LBG and LNG) included. When we collect the data we ask for the total number of gas stations and not divided by type of gas.

More about the results


Last updated

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Monica Leonardsson

+46 10 479 62 81