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Monthly electricity production and supply per bidding zone

Preliminary data in accordance with SNI 2007 in GWh

  Dec 2024
  Bidding area 1 Bidding area 2 Bidding area 3 Bidding area 4
Production within bidding zone 2 519 5 768 7 259 1 072
Water power (incl, pumping power), net 1 353 3 146 904 123
Wind power 1 109 2 432 1 347 660
Solar power (on-grid)[1] 21 13
Nuclear power (condensation), net 4 330
Conventional thermal power, net[2] 57 190 657 276
Consumption within bidding zone 1 165 1 738 8 296 2 270
Mining, quarrying and manufacturing (NACE 05-33) 510 585 2 101 518
Electricity, gas, steam and hotwater works, water works (NACE 35 and 36)[3] 12 54 325 57
Rail and bustransport (NACE 49) 22 25 185 27
Other (residential sector, services, etc.) [4] 537 792 5 162 1 518
Losses 84 282 523 150
Export or import to other bidding zone or country 1 354 4 030 ‑1 037 ‑1 198

1) On-grid solar power including measured production of electricity supplied to the grid and estimated self-consumption of electricity by the producer, excluding off-grid production.
2) Incl. diesel power stations.
3) Excl. own consumption at power stations.
4) Produced as residue in calculations. Includes estimated self-consumption of electricity by the producer.


Electricity consumption per bidding area is model-based and should therefore be interpreted with caution.

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Do you have questions about our statistics?

Martina Petersson

+46 10 479 62 05

Fredrik Fagrell

+46 10 479 60 63