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Surveys by statistics areas
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The statistics describe discharges to water in Sweden from major point sources as well as the quality and use of the sludge produced in the treatment plants. The statistics include discharges from incensed municipal water treatment plants, pulp and paper industry and certain other coastal industries.
Emissions of atmospheric pollutants
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency compiles and reports the data on emissions of air pollutants in Sweden every year. The report is presented in accordance with the UN Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC).
Greenhouse gas emissions and removals
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency annually produces statistics on territorial emissions and removals of greenhouse gases for tracking progress with national and international climate targets as well as for international reporting under the UN Climate Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and EU regulations.
Environmental accounts and sustainable development
Statistics on Circular economy are only available in Swedish.
Environmental protection expenditure
Environmental protection costs are the expenses paid for environmental protection. This includes investments and current expenditures. Statistics Sweden each year conducts a survey of environmental protection expenditures within the industrial sector. The work with environmental protection expenditures within the public sector is still under development.
Statistics Sweden provides annual statistics on production and use of peat. Data on assessments on environmental impact from usage of peat are also included.
Sustainable Development Indicators
A global system of indicators of sustainable development was drafted under UN auspices. The EU and Sweden are active participants in this work. Here are links to the reports produced since 2001.
System of Environmental and Economic Accounts
The Environmental Accounts provide a systematic description of the relationship between the environment and the economy and can be used for analyses of various types. They function as a satellite system to the National Accounts, presenting environmentally related physical and economic information for industries, the public sector and households. They also provide information for analyzing environmental and economic policies and is used for developing indicators for sustainable development.
Marine and water environment
Lakes, watercourses and groundwater – environmental quality
Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
The statistics show the environmental situation in relatively unaffected waters based on time series data of phytoplankton in lakes, fish, phosphorus and nitrogen in lakes and watercourses, as well as the effect of acidification, alkalinity, chloride and nitrate in groundwater.
Swedish nitrogen and phosphorous load to the sea
Statistical agency: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
The statistics show the inflow of phosphorus and nitrogen from Swedish watercourses in tonnes per year to the maritime areas of the Bothnian Sea, Bay of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, Öresund, Kattegatt and Skagerrak.
Plant nutrition and cultivation measures
Nitrogen and phosphorus balances for agricultural land
The statistics show the input and removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural land and the agricultural sector regionally and nationally. The difference between the input and removal, surplus/deficit, provides a measure of the total plant nutrient situation and the risk of adverse environmental impact on soil, water and air.
Sales of fertilisers for agricultural and horticultural purposes
The statistics show the regional sales of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in mineral fertilisers for agricultural and horticultural purposes.
Sales of lime for agricultural and horticultural purposes, for lakes and woodlands
Statistics on sales of lime have ceased since 2013. The statistics included sales of lime products to agriculture and horticulture, and the liming of lakes, watercourses and forests. For data on the spreading of lime on crop lands, see Fertilisers and cultivation measures in agriculture and the Statistical Report.
Use of fertilisers and animal manure and cultivation measures in agriculture
The statistics on fertilizers cover the use of mineral fertilizers and manure. They show the supply of plant nutrients to different crops and the handling, storage and application of manure from different animal species. The presentation on cultivation measures in agriculture includes data on the choice of tillage techniques, the use of catch crops, liming of crop lands and more.
Sales and use of chemicals
Flow analyses of chemical substances
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
Facts about substances and substance groups, for example, production processes, consumption patterns and physical data.
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
The statistics are no longer updated. The purpose of the statistics was to provide knowledge on where in the community various chemicals were located and how they are used. The reports cover about 80 different chemicals.
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
How much dishwashing detergent was sold to consumers last year? Which chemicals are common in the metalworking industries? Answers to these and many other questions are available in overview tables.
Pesticides in agriculture and horticulture – use on crops
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
The purpose of the survey is to continuously provide regional and differentiated statistics on pesticide use and to monitor changes in consumption over time. The survey also provides essential information for following up politically established environmental goals.
Pesticides in Swedish agriculture. Number of hectare doses
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
Manufacturers and agents for chemical pesticides annually submit data to the Swedish Chemicals Agency on quantities sold in Sweden of various products.
Sold quantities of pestidicides
Statistical agency: Swedish Chemicals Agency
The statistics show the quantity of sold pesticides for different categories of users and types of pesticide.
State of the environment
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The air pollutants that are commonly present in urban and rural air are mainly due to traffic, combustion and industrial processes. Data from Swedish municipalities on particulate matter (PM10 and PM2,5), nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, benzene, carbon monoxide, benzo(a)pyrene and certain metals are reported annually to the European Commission under Directive 2008/50/EC and Directive 2004/107/EC. Measurements in rural air and precipitation (e.g. ozone, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxides) are conducted by the Swedish EPA.
Environmental quality in a health perspective
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Freshwater – environmental quality: hazardous substances
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Seas and coastal areas – environmental quality hazardous substances
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
These statistics are no longer updated.
Waste, electronic equipment and batteries
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The statistics show sold, collected and treated amounts of electrical and electronic equipment and batteries. The treatment may include reuse, recovery, recycling or disposal. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is the supervisory authority for the collection and processing of electrical equipment and batteries. The statistics are based on data from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The report contains descriptions and statistics on the generation and treatment of waste. Generated waste is reported for about 50 types of waste, hazardous and non-hazardous, for 18 sectors and households. The treatment of waste presents the amounts of waste that are recycled, incinerated and landfilled, for example.
Statistical agency: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The packaging statistics show recycling rates for packaging that takes place in Sweden every year. Packages are used to protect and present a product and can, for example, be made of paper, plastic, metal, wood or glass.
Waste, transboundary shipments
The statistics show transboundary shipments of waste that require notification controls. Waste that need prior notification is for example hazardous waste, household waste and construction and demolition waste. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency receives data on waste shipments that need prior notification to be imported into or exported out of Sweden. Before the transport of waste that need prior notification may start, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and other competent authorities must give consent to the transport in question. The statistics are based on data reported by the operators to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Water use
Agricultural water use in Sweden
The statistics give an overview of agricultural water use and provide information on water for livestock and irrigation. The statistics are used to calculate the total water use in Sweden.
Industrial water use in Sweden
The statistics give an overview of water use in the industry sector. Figures regarding extraction, use and discharge of water are presented by branch of industry, type of water and region. The statistics are compiled and released every five years. The statistics are used to identify the manufacturing industry sectors that are most water-intensive and how the industrial use of water changes over time.
Water withdrawal and water use in Sweden
Statistics Sweden conducts surveys on water withdrawal and water use every fifth year. The statistics shows the amount of ground water, surface water and sea water abstracted. Water usage is broken down into four main categories, households, manufacturing industry, agriculture and other users. The statistics is presented on county level and river basin districts.