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Discharges to water and sewage sludge production in 2022

No significant changes in discharges to water in 2022


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2025-02-19 8.00

Future publications

Statistics Sweden’s statistics show that the discharges to water of phosphorous, nitrogen and oxygen demanding substances have not changed much since 2020. Discharges via municipal wastewater treatment plants have decreased over the last 35 years.

In 2022, the total discharges of nutrients to water via municipal wastewater treatment plants subject to authorisation, amounted to approximately 250 tonnes of phosphorous, 15 000 tonnes of nitrogen, 5 600 tonnes of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD7), and 36 400 tonnes of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), including some wastewater overflow at the plants.

Discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants in 2022, by sea basin district, and total biannually 1987-2022, tonnes
Sea basin district Tot-P Tot-N BOD7 COD-Cr
Bothnian Bay 11 1 283 466 1 580
Bothnian Sea 28 3 335 894 3 956
Baltic Sea 115 6 154 2 064 17 681
The Sound (Öresund) 29 896 470 2 969
Kattegat 58 2 937 1 617 9 551
Skagerrak 5 239 78 653
Total 2022 246 14 844 5 589 36 389
2020 249 14 779 5 822 39 145
2018 266 14 982 6 548 40 483
2016 237 15 414 6 612 35 257
2014 260 15 743 7 549 44 496
2012 275 17 120 7 993 47 264
2010 267 17 419 7 908 46 510
2008 313 18 433 7 447 46 893
2006 362 18 347 8 570 50 118
2004 318 17 779 7 869 48 315
2002 351 18 036 8 158 49 903
2000 424 18 977 9 784 57 472
1998 430 21 376 11 270 58 463
1995 470 25 940 13 060 66 840
1992 470 25 310 12 205 62 190
1990 655 26 200 14 050 69 150
1987 1 050 25 600 16 700 66 300

The average removal rate was unchanged for phosphorous, nitrogen and BOD7, compared to 2020. In a twenty years perspective, the average removal rate for phosphorous and BOD7 has been stable but has increased for nitrogen.

Quantities of phosphorous, nitrogen and BOD7 in incoming wastewater and outgoing, treated, effluent and corresponding rate of removal, biannually 1998-2022
  Phosphorous Nitrogen BOD7
Rate of
Rate of
Rate of
5 169 246 95 42 151 14 844 65 211 507 5 589 97
2020 5 095 249 95 41 737 14 779 65 208 770 5 822 97
2018 5 351 266 95 41 294 14 982 64 224 533 6 548 97
2016 5 546 237 96 41 049 15 414 62 215 488 6 612 97
2014 5 176 260 95 41 340 15 743 62 208 340 7 549 96
2012 5 307 275 95 41 967 17 120 59 196 706 7 993 96
2010 5 563 267 95 42 292 17 419 59 202 100 7 908 96
2008 6 346 313 95 42 360 18 433 56 202 717 7 447 96
2006 6 948 362 95 42 956 18 347 57 207 611 8 570 96
2004 7 113 318 96 41 417 17 779 57 207 736 7 869 96
2002 7 090 351 95 40 999 18 036 56 208 201 8 158 96
2000 7 743 424 95 41 269 18 977 54 213 923 9 784 95
1998 6 578 430 94 40 086 21 376 47 207 471 11 271 95

Agricultural use remains the most common application for sewage sludge

Use on arable land was the most common application of sewage sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants in 2022. The total amount of sewage sludge used in agriculture was estimated to be around 107 000 tonnes of dry substance, corresponding to 54 percent of the total net production. This is an increase by eight percentage points compared to 2020.

The total production of sewage sludge (dry substance) in wastewater treatment plants in 2022 was around 198 000 tonnes.

Sewage sludge production and use in Sweden, biannually 2008-2022
    Sewage sludge use categories (tonnes dry matter)
Plant soil
Normal P
Plant soil
High P
No P
Incineration Landfill Other
Storage Use not
2022 197 778 106 737 48 32 730 13 007 21 659 2 993 54 1 218 16 427 656 2 251
2020 208 348 96 328 440 26 281 20 981 33 636 5 158 0 1 697 12 252 10 432 1 142
2018 211 604 82 288 137 26 271 27 768 36 199 2 816 0 2 299 21 095 12 466 265
2016 204 253 69 506 150 23 908 31 733 44 506 4 154 0 3 060 14 368 11 157 1 711
2014 200 510 50 950 570 20 130 38 980 47 520 1 790 380 3 560 20 040 13 650 2 940
2012 207 460 48 340 1 280 25 510 41 140 47 450 1 290 190 7 130 23 580 2 470 9 080
2010 203 520 50 460 1 680 26 710 38 500 41 490 2 220 230 7 540 17 260 17 390 40
2008 213 790 55 640 1 920 17 580 40 510 42 510 330 130 6 240 15 180 6 790 26 990

Further reading

More detailed statistics about the discharges to water from municipal wastewater treatment plants can be found in the Statistical Report “MISAM BR2501 - Discharges to water and sewage sludge production in 2022”.

These statistics are also available in the Statistical Database

The statistics published in the Statistical Reports for 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016 and 2014 are also available in Statistics Sweden’s Statistical Database. In the database, the tables can be tailored to the user’s needs by selecting specific variables and groups. It is also possible to export the statistics to other file formats for further analysis and to use Statistics Sweden’s API for automated data requests.


More detailed statistics about discharges to water from municipal wastewater treatment plants can be found in the Statistical Report Discharges to water and sewage sludge production in 2022.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Alexander Dimberg

+46 10 479 44 17