Environmental accounts – Emissions to air 2015:
Updated annual statistics
Databases at Environmental accounts are now updated with final yearly statistics from National accounts for year 2015. Impact on individual industries is less and total emission levels are not affected at all by this revision.
The Environmental Accounts at Statistics Sweden presents production-based emissions, that is, emissions to air from the Swedish economy. More information (in Swedish) about different ways to calculate emissions:
Detailed information on environmental accounts:
Statistics on emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution (pdf)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency:
Three ways of calculating emissions that affect the climate
Update of environmental economic profile
Statistic Sweden’s Environmental Accounts presents different industries’ emissions in relation to employment and value added (the industries’ contribution to the GDP). The statistics concerning yearly air emissions are ready before the yearly statistics from national accounts on employment and value added. In statistics published March 29th data on employment and value added were based on preliminary statistics. Now yearly statistics from National accounts are available for 2015 and thus environmental economic profiles are updated.
Revisions in emission statistics
In connection with the update of employment and value-added statistics, a minor revision has been made for the emissions statistics for the distribution to NACE industries of emissions from road traffic in 2015, as well as the distribution to NACE industries of carbon dioxide emissions from lubricating oils all years. Impact on individual industries is less and total emission levels are not affected at all by this revision.
Update of analysis tool for environmental accounts data in November
The analysis tool for environmental accounts data will be updated with the above mentioned revisions on November 9th. The tool is available on the Environmental Accounts’ webpage. It combines data from the Environmental Accounts and economic data and enables further analysis of emissions statistics. The tool can, for example, be used to compare industries and to study the relationship between the demand in the economy, energy use and emissions of different substances.
Definitions and explanations
The Environmental Accounts are compiled within the framework of the System of Environmental and Economic Accounts (SEEA) and present national environmental statistics and economic statistics in the same framework, using NACE industry classification. Environmentally-related statistics connected to the system of national accounts enable an analysis between the Swedish economy and the impact that each industry has on the environment. Emissions from international bunkers, that is, international aviation and navigation arriving and refuelling at Swedish airports and harbours, are included. Emissions and removals from land use and land use change (LULUCF) and carbon capture and storage (CCS) are not included.
The statistics on air emissions are based on a production perspective. Emissions are reported for the industry where emissions occur. Indirect emissions from imports and other consumption of goods and services are not included.
More information (in Swedish) is found at Environmental Accounts under Documentation:
Environmental Accounts-Documentation
Statistics on emissions to air provided by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) follow the UNFCCC framework, covering emissions within Sweden’s territory. Sectors are listed by emissions category, not by industry. Emissions and removals from land use and land use change are included, while emissions from international aviation and navigation are reported separately.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s statistics on emissions to air
More information (in Swedish) on different ways to calculate emissions:
Detailed information on environmental accounts:
Statistics on emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution (pdf)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency:
Three ways of calculating emissions that affect the climate
Next publishing will be
The next statistical news on quarterly emissions to air up to the second quarter of 2017 is scheduled for 2017-10-26 at 09:30.
The next statistical news on regional annual statistics and update of analytic tool is scheduled for 2017-11-09 at 09.30.
The next statistical news on annual emissions to air 2008-2016 (final statistics) is scheduled for spring 2018.
Statistical Database
More information is available in the Statistical Database
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.