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Environmental Accounts – Emissions to air Q1 2021

Greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden’s economy continue to decrease


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2021-09-02 9.30


Greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden’s economy decreased by 5 percent in the first quarter of 2021 compared with the same quarter a year ago. This is mainly due to decreased emissions in the transport sector, in particular aviation.

Statistics on greenhouse gas and other air emissions from Sweden’s economy for the first quarter of 2021 are now available from Statistics Sweden’s Environmental Accounts. These statistics are classified by economic activity and include emissions from all Swedish economic actors, including households.

In the first quarter of 2021, total greenhouse gas emissions from Sweden’s economy amounted to 12.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. This is 5 percent less than in the same quarter a year ago. Sweden’s GDP decreased over the same period by less than one percent.

Greenhouse gas intensity, that is, greenhouse gas emissions per Swedish krona of production in the economy, continued to decrease in the first quarter of 2021.

Greenhouse gas emissions, GDP and emissions intensity, constant prices 2020, 2008Q1 – 2021 Q2. Index 2008Q1 =100

Greenhouse gas emissions, GDP and emissions intensity, constant prices 2020, 2008Q1 – 2021 Q2. Index 2008Q1 =100

Source: Statistics Sweden.

Greenhouse gas emissions decreased in transport and other sectors

Greenhouse gas emissions decreased in many sectors in the first quarter of 2021 compared with the same period in 2020. The largest decrease was noted in the transport sector, where emissions in the first quarter of 2021 were 38 percent lower than in the corresponding quarter in 2020. Within the transport sector, the decrease was particularly significant for aviation. From an economic perspective, the transport sector’s value added decreased by 8 percent. Emissions from private households decreased by 3 percent due to reduced car transport. Modest decreases in greenhouse gas emissions arose in the construction sector, agriculture, forestry and fishing, service industries and the public sector. Value added in these sectors also decreased over the same time interval.

Greenhouse gas emissions increased in the energy sector (including in this classification the water, wastewater and waste sectors) in the first quarter of 2021 by 11 percent compared with the same period in the preceding year. Nevertheless, over the whole time series from 2008 the trend towards decreased greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector continues. Greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing industry increased by less than one percent in the first quarter of 2021.

Greenhouse gas emissions and value added, by NACE industry aggregate – percentage change 2021 Q1 compared with 2020 Q1

Greenhouse gas emissions and value added, by NACE industry aggregate – percentage change 2021 Q1 compared with 2020 Q1

Source: Statistics Sweden.

Greenhouse gas emissions and value added, by NACE industry aggregate, 2021 Q1. Thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, SEK millions, constant prices 2020
NACE 2007 industry Greenhouse gas emissions Value Added
  2021Q1 Change compared to samer quarter 2020 2021Q1 Change compared to same quarter 2020
Agriculture, forestry and fishery 2 140 ‑58.0 ‑2.6% 17 335 ‑821 ‑4.5%
Mining 325 13.9 4.5% 11 219 ‑90 ‑0.8%
Manufacturing 3 312 49.7 1.5% 175 195 3 320 1.9%
Electricity, gas, heat, water, waste 2 110 186.7 9.7% 36 847 914 2.5%
Construction 397 ‑48.2 ‑10.8% 71 520 ‑2 408 ‑3.3%
Transport 1 133 ‑695.0 ‑38.0% 38 014 ‑3 150 ‑7.7%
Other services 759 ‑39.7 ‑5.0% 518 353 ‑1 522 ‑0.3%
Public sector 137 ‑22.5 ‑14.1% 246 340 ‑2 570 ‑1.0%
Households and non-profit institutions [1] 1 908 ‑55.9 ‑2.8% 13 477 ‑414 ‑3.0%
Total economy 12 221 ‑669.2 ‑5.2% 1 257 753 ‑8 634 ‑0.7%

[1] Only non-profit institutions provide value added. Source: Statistics Sweden.

Definitions and explanations

The System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) is constructed using the national accounts as a foundation and presents environmental and economic statistics in a common system. The SEEA makes it possible to analyse interactions between the economy and the environment. The starting point is Swedish economic actors’ environmental pressures, irrespective of where in the world they occur.

The statistics produced here use a production perspective. This means that emissions are allocated to the actor and sector that produces the emissions. Indirect emissions arising due to imports and other consumption are not included.

The statistics produced here are not used directly to measure emissions in relation to nationally and internationally agreed climate targets. Statistics with a territorial perspective are used for that purpose. More information about different perspectives for emissions accounting is available on the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s website (in Swedish):

Tre sätt att beräkna klimatpåverkande utsläpp (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency)

A residence adjustment is applied to adapt statistical sources with a territorial perspective used to produce these statistics to the national and environmental accounts’ economic perspective. The residence adjustment applies primarily to transport: heavy-duty road transport (primarily within H49 land transport companies, but also other industries, such as construction), water transport (H50) and air transport (H51). The residence adjustment for heavy-duty road transport is based on data on transport work (in tonne-km) for Swedish companies abroad and foreign companies in Sweden, with data from Transport Analysis (Trafikanalys). For water transport and air transport, the residence adjustment is based on data for Swedish companies’ expenditure on fuel from Statistics Sweden’s database on intermediate use in the economy, PRIOR.

Emissions and sequestration due to land use (LULUCF) and carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) are not included in the statistics.

Modelling assumptions for mobile emissions

For the reference periods 2008 Q1 – 2017Q4 and 2020Q1 onwards, the air emissions for non-road machinery, road transport and aviation have been calculated with the monthly fuel, gas and inventory statistics as a source. For reference periods 2018Q1 – 2019Q4 the register of reports to the Swedish Energy Agency in accordance with Sweden’s implementation of the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) have been used to calculate the air emissions from these sources. The reason for returning to the monthly fuel, gas and inventory statistics as a source beginning 2020Q1 and onwards is that producers of these statistics assess the data for those time periods to be of high quality. Comparisons between the period 2018Q1–2019Q4 and other periods in the time series should therefore be made with caution.

Next publishing will be

The next statistical news on quarterly emissions to air for the second quarter of 2021 is scheduled for 9:30 on 28 October 2021.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Environmental accounts and Environment

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171 54 Solna


Nils Brown

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