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Total environmentally motivated direct subsidies, 2000–2023

SEK million

  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total 5 413 6 906 7 022 5 943 6 337 6 627 7 160 6 609 6 478 7 701 7 605 7 741 6 661 6 011 5 791 6 867 9 028 10 283 13 528 12 247 13 730 19 186 24 260 23 175
Resource-related subsidies: 3 216 4 214 4 156 3 642 3 704 4 161 4 164 3 263 3 088 3 051 3 728 3 709 3 223 3 259 3 070 3 973 4 790 4 941 5 724 5 561 5 770 6 526 6 847 7 670
Support for landscape and biodiversity [1] 355.3 439.4 757.7 565.3 956.4 1 300.6 1 505.0 423.8 500.8 495.5 561.7 517.1 347.4 340.9 460.3 710.5 600.8 688.8 829.0 894.6 862.2 1 296.3 1 589.0 1 085.7
Environmental research 138.0 195.1 96.5 94.9 96.7 148.5 152.1 421.4 120.7 151.6 158.8 171.1 173.9 186.5 195.7 208.8 358.6 396.7 428.2 409.7 415.2 481.0 484.4 503.1
Return of taxes on fertilizer and pesticides 0.0 0.0 61.1 235.5 250.8 265.6 64.4 167.8 190.1 183.6 154.1 132.6 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Support for the environment in the sea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 34.5 106.0 167.3 147.2 133.5 155.9 129.4 142.5 139.1 120.5 35.7 115.9 105.5 98.6 85.4 544.0
Support for sustainable cities 632.1 1 133.9 650.1 479.1 213.1 24.1 15.4 6.3 0.0 0.0 94.5 128.7 7.2 3.0 0.7 2.1 4.2 2.1 162.7 45.5 14.3 169.6 155.1 0.0
Chemicals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 3.1 3.5 2.3 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.6 10.1 16.6 16.2 13.4 13.3 13.2 13.2
Support for environmental labelling 3.9 3.8 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 3.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.4 3.1
Subsidy to preserve the fish [2] 2.2 3.3 3.8 8.8 4.2 7.8 6.8 18.4 18.2 20.7 18.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Measures for improving the environment in the agricultural sector[3] 2 068.0 2 417.0 2 569.1 2 234.1 2 152.9 2 369.9 2 381.1 2 168.9 2 163.9 2 038.0 2 517.7 2 560.4 2 512.1 2 524.6 2 244.5 2 877.3 3 651.3 3 697.2 4 125.4 3 944.0 4 217.1 4 245.0 4 292.7 5 461.0
Other 16.9 21.2 13.6 19.5 25.4 39.7 35.3 46.4 53.2 48.8 48.2 41.9 40.5 43.6 34.7 24.8 26.2 21.5 121.9 131.0 138.4 217.3 222.8 60.3
Energy-related subsidies: 1 022 1 239 1 526 1 039 973 632 593 1 292 1 255 2 077 1 465 1 654 1 272 1 213 1 127 830 1 245 1 580 1 708 971 1 750 1 688 2 347 1 639
Energy research 303.6 263.0 292.5 247.5 163.4 166.0 292.3 329.6 384.6 688.2 624.6 772.4 661.8 570.0 594.2 538.6 665.8 739.8 736.7 761.4 762.8 690.2 712.5 648.3
Support for more efficient use of energy and energy technology 366.3 481.4 782.4 620.5 602.0 402.7 241.3 871.0 724.5 1 060.6 525.3 626.8 423.1 362.4 380.2 117.7 146.2 200.1 279.5 158.5 156.5 176.2 1 215.7 389.5
Support related to nuclear safety [4] 6.3 33.7 40.2 11.6 12.5 11.7 11.9 39.1 61.5 69.5 75.2 59.0 65.4 63.6 48.3 31.8 62.1 33.9 15.3 12.9 11.9 8.1 9.0 11.6
Small-scale electricity support 172.7 239.5 243.5 105.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Renewable energy 173.4 221.8 167.3 54.3 195.6 51.6 47.9 52.4 84.5 258.6 239.8 195.5 121.2 217.0 104.6 141.9 370.6 606.1 676.2 37.8 819.1 813.0 409.5 589.1
Emission-reducing subsidies 18 18 22 43 250 123 470 541 670 834 462 92 81 149 216 610 1 202 1 521 3 284 2 701 3 489 8 185 12 458 11 176
Different supports in the climate area 11.7 18.1 21.8 43.2 249.9 122.9 470.4 197.4 318.6 409.2 324.1 73.6 54.4 86.8 98.4 252.4 573.2 666.7 2 308.3 750.5 1 285.5 2 395.9 4 045.4 3 835.9
Bonus for low emission vehicles [5] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.8 321.9 348.8 41.0 0.0 20.0 62.2 117.1 347.0 348.0 450.8 322.4 1 280.3 2 077.7 4 809.6 6 904.6 5 817.0
Transport related research 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 29.6 75.5 97.0 18.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.032 0.004
Congestion tax in Gothenburg and Stockholm 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 297.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 6.2 0.2 0.2 10.7 281.2 403.7 653.4 669.8 125.9 979.9 1 507.5 1 523.3
Environmentally related aid and international cooperation 1 157 1 435 1 318 1 219 1 410 1 712 1 932 1 514 1 464 1 739 1 950 2 286 2 086 1 390 1 378 1 454 1 791 2 241 2 812 3 015 2 720 2 787 2 609 2 690
Environmental aid [6] 1 084.8 1 394.5 1 262.1 1 159.1 1 345.0 1 644.9 1 865.9 1 477.9 1 431.4 1 702.2 1 914.1 2 219.7 2 016.1 1 323.5 1 323.2 1 341.3 1 485.0 1 940.4 2 514.4 2 747.3 2 484.4 2 606.2 2 390.1 2 552.9
International cooperation 71.8 40.1 55.5 59.8 64.8 66.9 65.8 35.9 33.1 37.0 36.2 66.4 69.7 66.2 54.9 112.4 305.6 300.1 297.7 267.4 235.3 180.8 218.9 136.7
Enterprises 2 749.1 3 399.6 3 509.1 3 005.7 2 925.5 2 997.4 2 750.4 3 058.3 2 855.4 3 266.5 3 531.7 3 832.0 3 360.1 3 378.1 3 158.7 3 830.5 5 070.9 5 336.3 6 961.6 5 334.6 6 344.3 7 355.5 9 605.1 10 353.8
Public sector 981.4 1 620.4 1 536.2 1 115.9 1 331.9 1 475.7 2 016.4 1 313.2 1 133.0 1 241.0 1 026.1 976.0 678.7 709.5 601.0 582.3 1 248.8 1 457.3 1 979.3 1 802.7 1 210.3 2 934.8 4 131.9 3 457.3
Households and non profit institutions 500.9 465.1 715.9 719.3 732.7 724.1 813.3 939.7 1 171.2 1 331.1 1 043.5 792.0 681.4 616.4 765.2 1 052.7 1 233.7 1 637.8 2 186.5 2 452.4 3 831.4 6 529.9 8 367.3 7 088.5
Rest of the world 1 182 1 421 1 261 1 102 1 347 1 430 1 580 1 298 1 318 1 862 2 004 2 141 1 941 1 307 1 266 1 401 1 474 1 852 2 400 2 657 2 344 2 365 2 156 2 275
Percent of GDP in Sweden[7] 0.22% 0.28% 0.27% 0.22% 0.22% 0.23% 0.23% 0.20% 0.19% 0.23% 0.21% 0.21% 0.18% 0.16% 0.15% 0.16% 0.20% 0.22% 0.28% 0.24% 0.27% 0.35% 0.41% 0.37%

1) The appropriations included in this group has changed name over the years. Included are Protection of valuable nature and Support for valuable nature.

2) The appropriation behind this group has ended 2013 and is now included in "Support for the environment in the sea".

3) Mainly environmental supports in agriculture, such as conservation of biodiversity in the farmed landscape and environmentally friendly agriculture. Only refer to the environmental supports in the Rural Development Programme but there are also other support in the programme with an environmental motive. Included from 2015 is the greening support. In May 2023 there were revisions for the years 2015-2017 due to a detected error in the calculations of enviromentally motivated subsidies.

4) This post includes both national and international subsidies for nuclear safety.

5) The "green car" subsidy ended in 2010 and has been replaced by a so called "reward for super green cars" subsidy from 2012. In 2018 it was replaced by a bonus for low emission vehicles.

6) Included is what is paid out from SIDA (the share themselves say is primarily environmentally motivated) and from the budget line called Biståndsverksamhet/aid activities. It also includes subsidies related to the environment that is partially environmental based on a share of other development activities.

7) GDP at market price, current prices. 2023 preliminary GDP.


In several cases smaller or similar budget lines have been grouped together in order to make the result/table easier to analyse.

Definitions and explanations

An environmentally motivated subsidy is determined by the motivation of the subsidy/the appropriation that gave rise to the subsidy. Does not include all subsidies from EU. Includes payments from Government (classifiesdas given support) to producers, individuals, organisations, non-profit-making associations, municipalities and county councils as well as to  EU countries and international activities. This definition is broader than the one used in the national accounts.

The definition of a subsidy used by Statistics Sweden's environmental accountants  is based on the transfer in the Result of the government budget  called (free translation) "Given  support". Only if such a transfer is given from a budget  that has been classified as environmentally motivated, it will be included in the table above  as environmentally motivated subsidies. There can also be many other payments, such as for example salaries and rent, from a n apropriation classified as environmentally motivated and those payments will not be included above.


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