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Formally Protected Nature in Sweden 31/12/2023

  Total   Land area and inland waters Marine water
Instruments for protection Area in hectares Share Area in hectares Share Area in hectares Share
Environmental Code, permanent formal protection            
National parks 743 228 1.4% 697 242 1.5% 45 986 0.6%
Nature reserves 5 207 661 9.8% 4 477 513 9.9% 730 147 8.9%
Nature conservation areas 148 947 0.3% 122 784 0.3% 26 163 0.3%
Habitat protection areas in forest land 34 278 0.1% 34 275 0.1% 3 0.0%
Habitat protection areas, other 620 0.0% 371 0.0% 249 0.0%
National City Park 2 614 0.0% 1 821 0.0% 794 0.0%
Natura 2000 7 801 242 12.9% 5 795 936 12.9% 2 005 306 12.9%
Total permanent protection, without overlap 8 918 341 14.7% 6 587 219 14.6% 2 331 122 15.0%
Land Code, time-limited formal protection            
Nature conservation agreements 171 932 0.3% 171 882 0.4% 50 0.0%
Intra-governmental agreements            
Swedish Fortifications Agency 32 257 0.1% 32 201 0.1% 56 0.0%
All instruments, without overlap 9 101 102 15.0% 6 769 877 15.0% 2 331 224 15.0%
Area Sweden, within territorial border 53 192 468   45 001 883   8 190 585  
Area Sweden, including exclusive economic zone (EEZ) 60 557 224   45 001 883   15 555 341  

Definitions and explanations

Statistics Sweden produces yearly statistics on protected nature in collaboration with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. A protected area refers to a geographically defined area that is permanently designated, regulated and administered to achieve specific aims and conservation goals. In Sweden, “protected area” is a collective term for protection under Chapter 7 of the Environmental Code and according to many of the nature conservation agreements under the Land Code.

Sweden’s national and official statistics on protected nature contain information on a selection of protected areas under Chapter 7 of the Environmental Code. Information is also presented on protected rivers, protected species, nature conservation agreements under the Land Code, Intra-governmental agreements, and forest land covered by land replacement.

Explanations concerning the table Formally protected nature 31/12/2023:

The data refers to areas that applied (that is, for which judgment was final) on 31 December 2023.

Nature reserves, Natura 2000 and nature conservation agreements include areas without restrictions, for example without regulations against forestry.

Areas in Sweden's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) are included in the Natura 2000 protection forms and in totals. Area for Sweden's entire economic zone has been used in calculating the share of Natura 2000 areas and totals in line 11 and 16. Share for other forms of protection is calculated based on area of Swedish territory, according to the Swedish Land Survey data “Topografi 10”, reference time January 2024.

Proportions and areas cannot be added up because some protection types overlap. Statistics adjusted for overlapping areas are marked with the text “without overlap”.

Nature conservation agreements include the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s and the Swedish Forest Agency’s nature conservation agreements, the White-Backed Woodpecker Action Plan, and “ekoparker”. Several agreements do not have end date information available. Among the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s agreements, 95 agreements, comprising 2 287 hectares, have a remaining duration of less than 15 years.

Information about the number of areas related to intra-governmental agreements with the Swedish Fortifications Agency was retrieved from “Överenskommelse om skydd av särskilt värdefulla naturskogsområden, Nv Reg. no. 310-167-10 No.” (available in Swedish).

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