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Financial markets

Official statistics of Sweden

Surveys by statistics areas

  • Financial enterprises, annual financial data

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    Annual financial data presents profitability and the financial standing among banks, credit market institutions, securities companies, mutual funds and investment corporations. Insurance companies are not included

    Financial institutions, assets and liabilities

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    These are quick statistics and present deposits and lending to and from different sectors. The statistics show assets and liabilities of the Swedish Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs), including foreign branches, by various counterparts and types of financial objects.

    Investment funds, assets and liabilities

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    The investment funds statistics present fund wealth, fund savings and distribution by asset classes of funds under supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

  • Financial market statistics

    Statistical agency: The Riksbank

    The statistics cover assets and liabilities for monetary financial institutions (MFI, which is a collective name for banks, housing credit institutions and finance companies), the development of the money supply, deposits and lending to households and enterprises, MFIs' cross-border receivables and liabilities and interest rates for loans and deposits.

  • Swedish insurance companies, annual financial data

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    The statistics cover insurance and occupational pension companies' income statement and balance sheet per year and also performance analyses, that is results broken down by insurance branch.

    Swedish insurance companies, capital investments

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    The statistics show how major insurance and occupational pension companies manage their assets, what premiums are paid and which claims are paid, their distribution of financial debts, etc. The statistics also contain information about premiums and insurance compensation.

  • Securities issues

    Statistical agency: The Riksbank

    Statistics on securities include information about debt securities issued by Swedish issuers (institutions that issue debt securities). An issuer could be an enterprise that issues short-term securities or a bank that issues bonds.

  • Shareholders statistics

    Statistical agency: Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

    The statistics present ownership of shares broken down by sectors of society, foreign shareholders, information about mutual funds accounts and the number of listed companies by marketplace. For households, the proportion of shareholders in the population, broken down by sex, age, taxable income and average size of portfolio are also presented.