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Household financial outstanding values, Q1 2023–Q1 2024

Outstanding values, SEK millions

  2023 2024
  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
Currency 51 071 51 063 47 619 46 645 45 862
Deposits 2 582 528 2 632 654 2 630 455 2 617 158 2 631 320
Bank deposits 2 528 424 2 577 191 2 575 354 2 558 011 2 570 780
Capital investments in tax account and national debt savings[1] 15 734 16 280 13 154 12 806 12 806
Other deposits 38 370 39 183 41 947 46 341 47 734
Bonds 17 404 17 982 17 584 19 502 22 128
Lottery bonds[2] 0 0 0 0 0
Structured products 17 404 17 982 17 584 19 502 22 128
Directly owned shares 3 542 890 3 546 786 3 354 691 3 715 353 3 976 471
Swedish listed shares 1 205 081 1 184 263 1 099 751 1 250 556 1 312 961
Swedish unlisted shares 2 157 099 2 169 731 2 070 418 2 279 392 2 459 202
Foreign shares 180 710 192 792 184 522 185 405 204 308
Funds 1 613 455 1 710 456 1 642 134 1 755 209 1 955 570
Swedish-registered funds 1 301 007 1 370 182 1 308 526 1 415 165 1 555 505
Equity funds 805 979 872 608 829 664 909 646 1 003 048
Bond and money market funds 51 863 53 804 54 477 56 530 56 929
Other funds 443 165 443 770 424 385 448 989 495 528
Foreign-registered funds 312 448 340 274 333 608 340 044 400 065
Tenant ownership rights 3 228 635 3 261 351 3 240 476 3 154 620 3 314 754
Holiday homes abroad[3] 295 384 302 969 310 555 318 140 306 469
Private insurance savings 1 281 401 1 319 669 1 296 766 1 315 438 1 359 356
Swedish 1 189 585 1 225 203 1 204 799 1 216 705 1 260 623
Non-unit-linked 931 638 951 544 938 892 936 099 968 883
Unit-linked 257 947 273 659 265 907 280 606 291 740
Foreign 91 816 94 466 91 967 98 733 98 733
Occupational pensions 3 596 938 3 722 164 3 685 216 3 795 603 3 933 672
Non-unit-linked 2 148 695 2 185 540 2 193 187 2 221 876 2 259 979
Unit-linked 1 448 243 1 536 624 1 492 029 1 573 727 1 673 693
Premium pensions 2 045 644 2 225 363 2 162 997 2 274 861 2 552 271
Other insurance technical reserves[4] 191 800 195 513 190 160 182 315 199 185
Accruals, assets[5] 414 188 351 148 355 832 360 261 392 959
Other financial assets 55 456 55 721 55 130 55 891 54 609
Total financial assets 18 916 794 19 392 839 18 989 615 19 610 996 20 744 626
Individual financial assets excluding accruals 12 668 224 12 898 651 12 595 410 12 997 956 13 666 539
Loans 5 209 838 5 223 129 5 232 173 5 231 988 5 244 104
Loans in banks and housing credit institutions 4 798 263 4 811 955 4 820 076 4 817 081 4 823 382
Student loans, Government 266 840 267 630 270 087 273 561 281 063
Other loans 144 735 143 544 142 010 141 346 139 659
Accruals, liabilities[6] 178 494 183 948 183 821 185 237 188 306
Other liabilities 39 772 40 034 39 994 40 046 40 021
Total liabilities 5 428 104 5 447 111 5 455 988 5 457 271 5 472 431
Liabilities excluding accruals 5 249 610 5 263 163 5 272 167 5 272 034 5 284 125
Financial net wealth 13 488 690 13 945 728 13 533 627 14 153 725 15 272 195
Financial net wealth excluding accruals[7] 7 418 614 7 635 488 7 323 243 7 725 922 8 382 414

1) New transactions made by households to the Swedish Tax Agency since the fourth quarter of 2015 (considered as savings) are included here. The Swedish National Debt Office is phasing out the savings form National Debt Savings.

2) Lottery bonds are being phased out as a saving. The last issued lottery bonds will mature in 2021.

3) According to the National Accounts manual ESA 2010, Swedish households cannot own real assets such as real estate abroad; ownership of real estate abroad is instead registered as a financial asset abroad (ESA 2010 sections 7.76 and 18.15). Swedish households' real assets in Sweden are not included in the Savings Barometer, which only shows households' financial assets.

4) Non-life insurance technical reserves and entitlements to non-pension benefits.

5) Other accounts receivable.

6) Other accounts payable.

7) Financial net wealth excluding accruals are excluding savings in occupational pensions, premium pensions, other insurance technical reserves and accruals net.

Definitions and explanations

- Magnitude nil

. Category not applicable

.. Data not available or too uncertain to be stated

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