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Notes on Financial market statistics

Part 5, Money supply



In November 2020 a reporting institution has reclassified SEK 14.5 billion of deposits with certain conditions to on-demand deposits.



A reporting institution has reclassified counterparties regarding loans from non-financial corporations to local government back to September 2019.



A revision back to May 2019 from a reporting institution due to reclassification of about 165 billion SEK of deposits with certain conditions to on-demand deposits. M1 growth rate is adjusted for this time  series break (see also growth rates June 2021).


A swedish monetary investment fund (money market fund) was reclassified to an investment fund and is no longer included in the population.



From November 2014 the treatment of maturity for issued debt securities issued within a program has been modified, from a treatment where several single issued securities (within a program) are able to have different maturities, to have the same maturity length as the overall program. This improves the matching between the issued debt securities and the holding of debt securities. Due to that the Swedish non-bank public holding of debt securities is calculated as a residual (see 5. Money Supply) the change leads to an increase of the holding with approximately SEK 25 billion. The annual growth rate for M3 (see 4.1.2, table 2) is adjusted for the break in the series.



In 2012, ECB decided that repurchase agreements with central counterparties (CCP) should be excluded from M3. In Sweden, clearing with central counterparties started in September 2010.



Revised figures from January 2012 until March 2012 due to change in definition in money market funds. As a consequence Swedish non-bank public holdings in money market shares are reduced with approximately SEK 72 billion. 



A number of accounts with restricted number of free withdrawals have previously been classified as on-demand deposits. They are reclassified to deposits with certain conditions. This affects M1 which decreases with SEK 50 - 150 billion for the period December 2003-October 2010.

November: A change in conditions has resulted in a reclassification from deposits with certain conditions to ondemand deposits.



In November 2009 a reporting institution reclassified parts of deposits. Deposits with certain conditions were transferred to on-demand deposits. 


As of and from April 2009 onward monetary investment funds (money market funds), are included in the MFI reference sector. Due to this the historical money supply figures have been slightly revised. 



In December 2003 a reporting institution reclassified parts of deposits. Deposits with certain conditions were transferred to on-demand deposits.