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Securities issues, April 2024

Increased borrowing in debt securities

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-05-21 8.00

At the end of April, total liabilities in debt securities amounted to SEK 9 913 billion, up by SEK 185 billion from March. This increase is mainly due to increased borrowning in non-covered debt securities issued by Monetary financial institutions.

Developments in April 2024 in brief

Increased liabilities in both money market instruments and bonds

  • At the end of April, total liabilities in debt securities amounted to SEK 9 913 billion, of which bonds accounted for 78 percent and money market instruments accounted for 22 percent.
  • During the month, liabilities increased in both bonds and money markets instruments by SEK 110 billion and by SEK 75 billion respectively.
  • The liabilities denominated in Swedish Crowns increased by a total of SEK 102 billion during the month while the liabilities denominated in foreign currencies increased by SEK 83 billion.
  • The annual growth rate for total debt securities liabilities was 2,6 percent in April, up by 1,6 percentage points compared to March.

Increased borrowing for Monetary financial institutions

  • In April, non-covered bonds issued by Monetary financial institutions accounted for the largest increase in liabilities in debt securities, where the liabilities increased by SEK 86 billion in total. The increase is mainly due to the effect of a weaker Swedish Crown in relation to the US dollar and the euro but also due to issued securities denominated in Swedish Crowns.
  • For all sectors, except Non-financial corporations, the liabilities were increased. Non-financial corporations decreased their liabilities by SEK 5 billion. Explained primariliy by net maturity in papers denominated in Euro.
Outstanding amount

Securities Issues

Maturity structure

  • Debt securities valued at SEK 1 815 billion will reach maturity within six months excluding certificates issued by Sveriges Riksbank. 70 percent of these are denominated in foreign currency, mainly US dollars and euros.
  • Debt securities from Monetary financial institutions accounted for nearly 74 percent of the total maturity value within six months (excluding certificates issued by Sveriges Riksbank), SEK 1 348 billion, of which the majority is issued in foreign currency.

Securities Issues

Definitions and explanations

Contents of this publication

Statistics Sweden’s monthly publication on Securities issues covers total outstanding volume and maturity structure for debt securities issued by Swedish issuers. It describes the development and conditions of Swedish enterprises’ debt securities borrowing.


Securities issues are compiled monthly. Revisions usually occur, mostly for the previous month but sometimes for older periods as well.

Next publishing will be

2024-06-18 at 8:00

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

The Riksbank


Statistics Sweden
