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Shareholder statistics first half of 2024

Strong stock market led to increased share wealth


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-08-29 8.00

Future publications

A continued strong stock market in the first half of 2024 increased the shareholder wealth. Despite this, the total share value remains lower than the peak level from the end of 2021.

Development during the first half of 2024 in brief

  • The wealth of shares listed on Swedish marketplaces increased by 7 percent during the first half of 2024 and amounted to SEK 11,846 billion at the end of June.
  • There were 991 companies listed on Swedish marketplaces at the end of June, which is 15 fewer than at the end of 2023.
  • Women owned 32 percent and men owned 68 percent of the households' share wealth at the end of June 2024.

In the first half of 2024, the Stockholm Stock Exchange, according to OMX Affärsvärlden's General Index, rose by 8 percent and its share wealth increased from SEK 11,040 billion to SEK 11,846 billion.

Share wealth (left) and OMX Affärsvärlden's General Index (right), balance and index

Graph: Share wealth (left) and OMX Affärsvärlden's General Index (right), balance and index

Lowest number of listed companies since June 2021

After several subsequent periods of declining number of companies listed on the Swedish marketplaces, the end of June had the lowest number of listed companies since June 2021. At the end of June 2024, there were 991 companies listed on the Swedish marketplaces. This is 56 fewer companies compared to the end of June 2022.

Listed companies on Swedish marketplaces, number

Graph: Listed companies on Swedish marketplaces, number

Source: Statistics Sweden

The largest number of companies on a Swedish marketplace is found on First North, where 401 companies are listed. The holdings on First North account for only 2 percent of the total share wealth. In comparison, the 129 companies on the Large Cap account for 91 percent of the total share wealth.

Listed companies by Swedish marketplaces, June 2024, number

Graph: Listed companies by Swedish marketplaces, June 2024, number

Large differences between the sexes in where you choose to invest

Household sector shareholdings on Swedish marketplaces amounted to SEK 1,381 billion at the end of June 2024, this is a increase by SEK 73 billion during the first six months of the year.

Women owned 32 percent of households' total share assets, while men owned 68 percent. Men owned more than women on all Swedish marketplaces. On the Large Cap list, which includes the largest companies, men owned 66 percent, which largely reflects the distribution between the sexes in general. At First North, a marketplace for smaller and growing companies, men owned 81 percent.

Households' ownership in shares, by marketplace and sex, June 2024, percent

Graph: Households' ownership in shares, by marketplace and sex, June 2024, percent

Definitions and explanations

Information on final owners is not available for nominee-registered ownership through Swedish nominees if the holding is less than 501 shares in a company. Because of this, these holdings are not included when households’ shareholdings are broken down by income and age. To address this, the difference between the number of shares issued and the number of securities with a known final-owner is imputed. The difference is distributed between the household sector and non-profit institutions serving households. At the end of 2024, the imputed share in the household sector amounted to 13 percent of the total market value.

Information foreign nominees’ end customers is not available, as these are not included in the public register of shareholders.

Swedish marketplaces refer to OMX Stockholm, Spotlight Stock Market, NGM and First North. Unlisted classes of shares in listed companies are also included. Shares in foreign companies listed on the aforementioned marketplaces are included in the statistics from the year 2000 onwards.

Next publishing will be

2025-02-27, 08:00.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Box 7821
103 97 Stockholm


Statistics Sweden, Financial and Sector Accounts

Solna strandväg 86
171 54 Solna


Emil Jansson

+46 10 479 43 57

Emil Hermansson

+46 10 479 42 50