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Foreign ownership and expatriate Swedes’ ownership of holiday homes in Sweden 2023

Just over 6 percent of holiday homes in Sweden have foreign owners


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-03-21 8.00


In Sweden 38 180 holiday homes were owned by foreign owners in 2023, which is a marginal increase compared to the previous year. Foreign ownership thus amounts to 6.2 percent of the total holiday home stock in the country.

Foreign owners mostly from Norway, Germany and Denmark

Foreign owners come primarily from Norway (12 212 holiday homes), Germany (11 131) and Denmark (9 645).

Large differences among counties

Regional variation in foreign ownership of holiday homes in relation to the total stock of holiday homes is considerable. The percentage of foreign ownership is by far the greatest in Kronoberg County at 37 percent and in Värmland at 24 percent. In Stockholm, Uppsala, Södermanland, Gotland and Västmanland counties, foreign ownership is less than 1 percent of the stock.

The largest numbers of foreign-owned holiday homes are located in Västra Götaland (7 858), Värmland (6 531), Kronoberg (4 533) and Skåne (3 323) counties.

Total number of holiday homes owned by natural persons 2023, of which those with owners from
County Total number of holiday homes owned by natural persons Of which those with owners from   Percentage of foreign owned holiday homes
    Denmark Norway Germany Netherlands Other countries Unknown country Total  
Stockholm 73 635 12 17 71 9 124 11 244 0.3
Uppsala 17 990 1 5 12 3 28 5 54 0.3
Södermanland 20 361 3 6 49 3 38 13 112 0.6
Östergötland 23 162 69 9 224 33 51 16 402 1.7
Jönköping 13 646 827 12 829 75 80 28 1 851 13.6
Kronoberg 12 130 2 855 12 1 398 103 125 40 4 533 37.4
Kalmar 32 230 524 33 2 191 137 167 90 3 142 9.7
Gotland 12 705 0 14 35 3 27 4 83 0.7
Blekinge 13 507 877 11 499 23 66 28 1 504 11.1
Skåne 45 262 2 318 91 632 46 165 71 3 323 7.3
Halland 25 124 1 066 37 445 22 69 21 1 660 6.6
Västra Götaland 78 412 476 5 193 1 596 134 324 135 7 858 10.0
Värmland 27 272 366 3 797 1 425 549 271 123 6 531 23.9
Örebro 14 889 32 20 250 54 51 14 421 2.8
Västmanland 9 758 1 5 12 1 23 5 47 0.5
Dalarna 45 526 118 312 374 102 161 22 1 089 2.4
Gävleborg 27 909 9 20 138 33 83 22 305 1.1
Västernorrland 24 802 12 48 276 42 149 65 592 2.4
Jämtland 32 247 39 1 388 255 58 149 38 1 927 6.0
Västerbotten 32 755 30 747 247 23 270 44 1 361 4.2
Norrbotten 29 158 10 435 173 23 453 47 1 141 3.9
Total 612 480 9 645 12 212 11 131 1 476 2 874 842 38 180 6.2

Expatriate Swedes’ ownership of holiday homes

In total, 13 578 holiday homes in Sweden are owned by Swedes living abroad. Swedes living in Norway own the largest number of holiday homes in Sweden (2 955). This is followed by Swedish owners living in Germany (1 581), USA (1 465), the United Kingdom (1 171), Switzerland (1 150) and Denmark (1 007).

The most common is that the Swedish expatriate own holiday homes in Västra Götaland (2 630), Skåne (2 017) and Stockholm County (1 689).

Total number of holiday homes owned by natural persons 2023, Of which those with Swedish owners living in
County Total number of holiday homes owned by natural persons Of which those with Swedish owners living in   Percentage of holiday homes owned by expatriate Swedes
    Norway Switzerland United Kingdom Germany USA Denmark Other countries Total  
Stockholm 73 635 72 194 217 152 266 40 748 1 689 2.3
Uppsala 17 990 11 20 14 16 38 4 79 182 1.0
Södermanland 20 361 20 20 45 51 59 8 147 350 1.7
Östergötland 23 162 47 44 31 42 42 15 150 371 1.6
Jönköping 13 646 20 24 17 63 22 52 96 294 2.2
Kronoberg 12 130 25 14 18 77 17 139 58 348 2.9
Kalmar 32 230 66 60 38 139 65 54 210 632 2.0
Gotland 12 705 24 14 14 21 41 7 95 216 1.7
Blekinge 13 507 30 30 22 57 26 77 86 328 2.4
Skåne 45 262 145 257 225 263 234 309 584 2 017 4.5
Halland 25 124 90 63 57 92 85 78 199 664 2.6
Västra Götaland 78 412 1 051 193 204 252 214 85 631 2 630 3.4
Värmland 27 272 617 38 46 73 49 37 144 1 004 3.7
Örebro 14 889 34 10 21 44 24 8 79 220 1.5
Västmanland 9 758 16 10 16 12 13 3 65 135 1.4
Dalarna 45 526 176 60 55 54 76 28 199 648 1.4
Gävleborg 27 909 62 31 37 35 47 11 122 345 1.2
Västernorrland 24 802 55 14 29 49 46 11 125 329 1.3
Jämtland 32 247 178 24 29 22 45 14 122 434 1.3
Västerbotten 32 755 114 19 21 39 30 19 107 349 1.1
Norrbotten 29 158 102 11 15 28 26 8 203 393 1.3
Total 612 480 2 955 1 150 1 171 1 581 1 465 1 007 4 249 13 578 2.2

Definitions and explanations

This statistical news defines holiday home as an assessment unit or taxation unit with no registered population and are assessed as building for agriculture, residential value less than SEK 50 000 (type code 113), building for agriculture, built (type code 120), one- or two-dwelling building, built (type code 220), one- or two-dwelling building, houses on leasehold (type code 225) and one- or two-dwelling building, building value less than SEK 50 000 (type code 213).

News from 2019 publication of holiday home

A type code has been added. It is building for agriculture, residential value less than SEK 50 000 (type code 113).

All assessment units, one- or two-dwelling building, houses on leasehold (type code 225) is now considered a holiday home.

For agricultural units it is also required that the agriculture is not active. As of 2019, only those with agricultural-related business codes are counted as active agriculture, which means that fewer agricultural units are excluded.

The changes that have been made result in just over 24,000 more holiday homes for the year 2019 compared to the previously used method.

Statistics Sweden will publish new time series according to the new definition later this spring when comparisons can be made for longer time periods.

Foreign ownership means that the owner responsible for his or her tax return has neither a Swedish postal address nor a Swedish personal identity number. The country reported in these statistics is based on the country where the owner has their postal address, and only natural persons are included in the survey.

Expatriate Swedes’ ownership means that the owner responsible for his/her tax return does not have a Swedish postal address, but does have a Swedish personal identity number. The country reported in these statistics is based on the country where the owner has their postal address, and only natural persons are included in the survey.

The information was retrieved from the 2023 Real Estate Tax Assessment Register (FTR) and refers to the situation on 1 January 2023. Statistics Sweden receives the Real Estate Tax Assessment Register from the Swedish Tax Agency.

The objects reported are assessment units or taxation units. Assessment units and taxation units are defined in FTR as that which is assessed or taxed independently and generally consists of property with a building and a lot.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Martin Verhage

+46 10 479 47 78