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Completed new construction, Conversion and demolition of multi-dwelling buildings 2023 – definitive figures

New construction and conversion led to 68 920 new dwellings in 2023


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-05-15 8.00


In 2023, 53 383 dwellings in total were completed in newly built multi-dwelling buildings. This is 29 percent more than last year.

In one-or two-dwelling buildings, an additional 12 212 dwellings were completed, which is 4 percent down than in 2022. In addition, 3 325 dwellings were completed through conversion of existing multi-dwelling buildings. New construction and conversion led to 68 920 new dwellings in total in 2023, which is 22 percent up than a year ago.

Completed dwellings through new construction 1938–2023 and conversion of multi-dwelling buildings, 1989–2023

Graph: Completed dwellings through new construction 1938–2023 and conversion of multi-dwelling buildings, 1989–2023

Most new dwellings per inhabitant in Uppsala County

In 15 out of 21 counties in Sweden, more dwellings were completed through new construction in 2023 than in the previous year. Forty-five percent of the completed dwellings are located in the three metropolitan areas. 

Uppsala County accounted for the highest number of completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants, at 11.7 completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants . This is followed by Halland County, at 9.8 completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants. In Västernorrland County, there were 2.2 completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants, which was the lowest number of completed dwellings in Sweden. The corresponding figure for the country as a whole was 6.2 completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants.

Number of completed dwellings per 1 000 inhabitants, by county
County Number of
dwellings per
1 000 inhabitants
Blekinge county 4.1
Dalarna county 4.0
Gotland county 5.2
Gävleborg county 2.4
Halland county 9.8
Jämtland county 4.5
Jönköping county 4.0
Kalmar county 5.0
Kronoberg county 9.3
Norrbotten county 4.8
Skåne county 6.4
Stockholm county 6.8
Södermanland county 8.9
Uppsala county 11.7
Värmland county 4.5
Västerbotten county 6.1
Västernorrland county 2.2
Västmanland county 7.0
Västra Götaland county 6.0
Örebro county 3.7
Östergötland county 5.5
Sweden 6.2

Most new rented dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings

From 2014, most of the completed new dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings have been rented dwellings with the exception of 2017. This year sixty-three percent were rented dwellings and 37 percent were tenant-owned. 

Completed dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by form of tenure, in percent
  Share of
Share of
Greater Stockholm 48 52
Greater Göteborg 46 54
Greater Malmö 36 64
Sweden excluding metropolitan areas 29 71
Sweden 37 63

In one- or two-dwelling buildings owner-occupied is the most common form, where tenant-owned increased a bit. In 2023, 3 338 newly constructed dwellings in one- or two-dwelling buildings were tenant-owned, which is more than one fourth of the one- or two-dwelling buildings that were completed.

More small dwellings being constructed

The most common size of dwelling in multi-dwelling buildings that were completed was a dwelling with two rooms and a kitchen; there were 18 974 dwellings of this size, which is more than one in three dwellings.

The small dwellings that were completed have increased from last year. Among completed dwellings, 34 769 dwellings had two rooms or less. Dwellings with three rooms or more have also increased to 18 614 compared to 13 549 dwellings in 2022.

The average useful floor space for a dwelling is 54 square metres in new construction of multi-dwelling buildings and 144 square metres in one- or two-dwelling buildings.

Housing for students and the elderly

Among the new dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings completed in 2023, 6 171 were classified as special housing. Among these, 2 960 dwellings were designated for students and 2 383 dwellings for elderly or disabled persons.

Conversion of multi-dwelling buildings

In addition to the dwellings completed through new construction in 2023, 3 325  new dwellings were completed through conversion or altered use, which is about 25 percent more than in 2022. About 71 percent of those dwellings were formerly non-residential buildings that were converted into dwellings. Göteborg municipality tops the list at 302 dwellings. 13 percent former attics were converted into dwellings.

Demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings

In 2023, demolition of 905 dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings was started. This is more than in 2022. About 80 percent was located outside the metropolitan areas.

Commenced demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings, 1949–2023, number of dwellings

Graph: Commenced demolition of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings, 1949–2023, number of dwellings

Definitions and explanations

A dwelling is a room or suite of rooms intended for private habitation.

One- or two-dwelling building refers to a detached one- or two-dwelling buildings, as well as semi-detached, row and linked buildings.

Multi-dwelling buildings refers to buildings with three or more apartments, including balcony access housing.

Conversion refers to the net of dwellings added and removed through conversion or changes in usages of multi-dwelling buildings.

Next publishing will be

Preliminary statistics on the first quarter 2024 will be published on 2024-05-24.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Karin Corr

+46 10 479 43 99

Sara Klinga

+46 10 479 41 30