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New construction of residential buildings, started dwellings, first three quarters of 2024, preliminary figures

Construction of new dwellings in the first three quarters of 2024


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-11-22 8.00

Future publications

Preliminary figures show that construction of 21 550 dwellings began in the first three quarters of 2024. This is 5 percent up than in the same period in 2023, when the construction of 20 551 dwellings was started.

Among the started dwellings, approximately 17 500 are in multi-dwelling buildings, which is 12 percent up than in the same period in 2023. Preliminary figures show that about 73 percent of the dwellings started in 2024 were rented dwellings. In one-to-two dwelling buildings, construction of approximately 4 050 dwellings was started, down by 18 percent compared with the first three quarters of 2023.

Conversion of multi-dwelling buildings also resulted in approximately 1 900 additional dwellings during the period, compared with 1 640 dwellings in the corresponding period in 2023.

The 2024 figures for new construction have been adjusted upwards by 10 percent, which is the reporting lag for the corresponding period in the past year. The figures for conversion have been adjusted upwards by 33 percent.

Number of started dwellings, first three quarters, 1975–2024
New construction            
  All buildings Percentage change One or two-dwelling buildings Percentage change Multi-dwelling buildings Percentage change
Started dwellings            
2022 45 818 ‑6 10 179 ‑3 35 639 ‑7
2023 20 551 ‑55 4 959 ‑51 15 592 ‑56
2024* 21 550 +5 4 050 ‑18 17 500 +12

* Figures for the current year are adjusted by 10 percent which are the average backlog in recent years.

Number of started dwellings, first three quarters, 1975–2024

New construction of residential buildings. Started dwellings, 1-3 quarter 2024, preliminary figures

Number of dwellings started during the first three quarters of 2023 and 2024 by region. Figures not adjusted upwards
  All buildings Jan–sept Of which one- or two-dwelling buildings Jan–sept Of which multi-dwelling buildings Jan–sept
  2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024
Sweden 20 551 19 582 4 959 3 663 15 592 15 919
Metropolitan areas 10 047 10 399 1 569 1 174 8 478 9 225
Greater Stockholm 5 853 6 616 878 589 4 975 6 027
Greater Göteborg 2 799 2 174 495 389 2 304 1 785
Greater Malmö 1 395 1 609 196 196 1 199 1 413
Sweden excl. Metropolitan areas 10 504 9 183 3 390 2 489 7 114 6 694
Stockholm county 5 853 6 616 878 589 4 975 6 027
Uppsala county 648 997 287 272 361 725
Södermanland county 760 383 268 104 492 279
Östergötland county 631 715 219 249 412 466
Jönköping county 414 276 175 170 239 106
Kronoberg county 460 198 95 59 365 139
Kalmar county 332 142 141 58 191 84
Gotland county 97 151 43 23 54 128
Blekinge county 69 179 66 47 3 132
Skåne county 2 388 2 456 554 529 1 834 1 927
Halland county 957 539 315 224 642 315
Västra Götaland county 3 684 2 638 879 633 2 805 2 005
Värmland county 536 305 132 82 404 223
Örebro county 776 223 192 113 584 110
Västmanland county 462 333 128 91 334 242
Dalarna county 555 406 166 97 389 309
Gävleborg county 244 359 70 39 174 320
Västernorrland county 155 34 27 33 128 1
Jämtland county 191 97 112 76 79 21
Västerbotten county 661 439 124 118 537 321
Norrbotten county 678 2 096 88 57 590 2 039*

These figures are preliminary and will be revised. The information on tenure may also change. The tables about the number of dwellings may include a limited number of owner-occupied dwellings. * 77 percent are other special housing

Definitions and explanations

A dwelling refers to a flat designed to an appreciable proportion as a place of residence, irrespective of the type of building in which it is located. Dwellings in one- or two-dwelling buildings are therefore also defined as flats.

One-to-two dwelling buildings refer to detached one- or two-dwelling buildings as well as semi-detached houses, terraced houses and link attached houses (excluding holiday homes).

Multi-dwelling buildings refer to residential buildings with three or more apartments, including housing with balcony access.

Multi-dwelling buildings include special housing like housing for student, special housing for the elderly/disabled persons and other special housing.

Conversion refers to the difference between dwellings added and removed through conversion or changes in usage of multi-dwelling buildings.

Start usually refers to the initial date of starting clearance from the municipality; a more actual date for commencing construction work can be updated from the municipality.

Next publishing will be

Statistics for the third quarter of 2024 will be published on 2024-11-22.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Sara Klinga

+46 10 479 41 30

Karin Corr

+46 10 479 43 99