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New construction of residential buildings. Started dwellings, 2023

In 2023, 29 350 new dwellings were started in new construction


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-02-23 8.00


According to preliminary figures for 2023, the construction of 29 350 dwellings was started in new buildings. This is 49 percent down from 2022, when construction of 57 033 dwellings was started.

The construction of 22 750 dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings was started in 2023, which is 49 percent less than in 2022. Among these dwellings, 70 percent are rented, compared to 63 percent in 2022.

The construction of 6 600 dwellings was started in one- or two-dwelling buildings, which is 47 percent less than a year earlier.

In addition, conversion of multi-dwelling buildings resulted in approximately 2 200 dwellings in 2023, compared with 2 449 dwellings in 2022.

The 2023 figures on new construction have been adjusted upwards by 10 percent, which is the average delay in reporting for the previous year. The 2023 figures on conversion have been adjusted upwards by 29 percent.

Number of started dwellings, 1975–2023

New construction of residential buildings. Started dwellings, 2023

Number of dwellings started during 2022 and 2023 by region. Figures not adjusted upwards
  All buildings Of which one- or two-dwelling buildings Of which multi-dwelling buildings
  2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Sweden 57 033 26 585 12 568 5 971 44 465 20 614
Metropolitan areas 25 291 12 513 3 706 1 839 21 585 10 674
Greater Stockholm 13 881 6 938 1 937 981 11 944 5 957
Greater Göteborg 7 254 4 068 1 121 711 6 133 3 357
Greater Malmö 4 156 1 507 648 147 3 508 1 360
Sweden excl. Metropolitan areas 31 742 14 072 8 862 4 132 22 880 9 940
Stockholm 13 881 6 938 1 937 981 11 944 5 957
Uppsala 3 416 1 617 656 322 2 760 1 295
Södermanland 3 303 1 455 584 326 2 719 1 129
Östergötland 2 542 1 111 709 339 1 833 772
Jönköping 893 445 506 205 387 240
Kronoberg 1 558 487 208 112 1 350 375
Kalmar 932 344 373 184 559 160
Gotland 518 58 207 42 311 16
Blekinge 545 73 261 63 284 10
Skåne 6 965 2 637 1 697 584 5 268 2 053
Halland 2 074 1 078 790 389 1 284 689
Västra Götaland 9 907 5 175 2 174 1 202 7 733 3 973
Värmland 1 737 608 329 149 1 408 459
Örebro 1 350 902 369 231 981 671
Västmanland 1 752 603 314 149 1 438 454
Dalarna 1 487 615 361 202 1 126 413
Gävleborg 376 274 203 88 173 186
Västernorrland 442 165 138 34 304 131
Jämtland 501 211 212 131 289 80
Västerbotten 1 670 840 249 142 1 421 698
Norrbotten 1 184 949 291 96 893 853

Due to the lag in reporting, data for the past year is underestimated in the preliminary statistics. The information will be revised in connection with the next publication.

Definitions and explanations

Dwellings refers to a unit intended fully or to a significant extent for residential use, regardless of the type of building in which it is located. Therefore, residences in one- or two-dwelling buildings are defined as dwellings.

One- or two-dwelling buildings refers to a detached one- or two-dwelling building, as well as semi-detached, terraced and linked buildings (excluding second homes).

Multi-dwelling buildings refers to buildings with three or more dwellings, including balcony-access buildings.

Conversion refers to the difference between the number of dwellings added and the number eliminated in conversions or altered use.

Next publishing will be

Final figures for 2023 will be published on 2024-05-15.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Sara Klinga

+46 10 479 41 30

Karin Corr

+46 10 479 43 99