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Real estate price statistics for one-or two-dwelling buildings by month, whole country

Price trend in recent years based on the purchase price coefficient

Real estate price statistics for one-or two-dwelling buildings by month, whole country

Definitions and explanations

Statistics Sweden's official real estate price statistics are reported after the date of the purchase, that is, the day when the buyer is a new formal owner of the acquired property. The period that elapses between signing contract and the date of the purchase is normally about 2 months.

The statistics are comprehensive and cover all market-based house sales, regardless of whether they has been sold by brokers or not. There is a certain lag in the reporting, especially for the most recent reporting month, and the information is therefore revised at each publishing.

Price changes are estimated using the purchase price coefficient (K/T-tal). The purchase price coefficient is the purchase price (K) in relation to the assessed value (T) at a certain point in time, in this case the 2021 real estate tax assessment. The purchase price coefficient is reported as an unweighted mean, that is, as a mean value of all transactions individual purchase price coefficients.

One- or two-dwelling buildings for permanent dwelling include detached one- or two-dwelling buildings, terraced houses and link-attached buildings. Real estate with site leasehold rights is included.


The data is obtained from Lantmäteriet (the land registration authority).

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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