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Statistics on building permits, new construction and conversion

Official statistics of Sweden

Upcoming publishing: 2024-08-23

The statistics show building permits for new construction, the the scope and direction of construction of residential buildings, such as started and completed dwelling units by different building types and net changes in the number of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by conversion, for example conversion of attics into dwellings.

Statistical news

New construction of residential buildings in the first quarter of 2024


Preliminary figures show that construction of roughly 8 650 dwellings was started in new buildings during the first quarter of 2024. This is 7 percent up than in the same period last year and 48 percent down the year before last.

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database


Quality of the statistics (Quality report)

Statistics presentation (alternatively SCBDOK)

Do you have questions about our statistics?

Statistics Sweden

Karin Corr

+46 10-479 43 99

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