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New construction of residential buildings, started dwellings, first three quarters of 2023, preliminary data

Construction of new dwellings decreased in the first three quarters of 2023

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2023-11-24 8.00

Preliminary figures show that construction of 20 950 dwellings began in the first three quarters of 2023. This is 55 percent less than in the same period in 2022, when the construction of 46 533 dwellings was started.

Among the started dwellings, approximately 15 950 are located in multi-dwelling buildings, which is 56 percent less than in the same period in 2022. Preliminary figures show that about 71 percent of the dwellings started in 2023 were rented dwellings. In one-to-two dwelling buildings, construction of approximately 5 000 dwellings was started, down by 50 percent compared with the first three quarters of 2022.

Conversion of multi-dwelling buildings also resulted in approximately 1 950 additional dwellings during the period, compared with 1 917 dwellings in the corresponding period in 2022.

The 2023 figures for new construction have been adjusted upwards by 10 percent, which is the reporting lag for the corresponding period in the past year. The figures for conversion have been adjusted upwards by 51 percent.

Number of started dwellings, first three quarters, 1975–2023
New construction of residential buildings, started dwellings, first three quarters of 2023, preliminary data

Number of dwellings started during the first three quarters of 2022 and 2023 by region. Figures not adjusted upwards
  All buildings Jan–sept Of which one- or two-dwelling buildings Jan–sept Of which multi-dwelling buildings Jan–sept
  2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Sweden 46 533 19 083 10 029 4 562 36 504 14 521
Metropolitan areas 19 750 9 056 2 889 1 399 16 861 7 657
Greater Stockholm 11 237 5 229 1 402 824 9 835 4 405
Greater Göteborg 5 271 2 653 913 456 4 358 2 197
Greater Malmö 3 242 1 174 574 119 2 668 1 055
Sweden excl. Metropolitan areas 26 783 10 027 7 140 3 163 19 643 6 864
Stockholm 11 237 5 229 1 402 824 9 835 4 405
Uppsala 3 204 639 540 285 2 664 354
Södermanland 2 960 921 496 281 2 464 640
Östergötland 2 363 613 614 217 1 749 396
Jönköping 711 385 411 149 300 236
Kronoberg 1 402 341 156 98 1 246 243
Kalmar 777 259 300 120 477 139
Gotland 408 52 186 36 222 16
Blekinge 471 52 210 49 261 3
Skåne 5 377 2 150 1 439 455 3 938 1 695
Halland 1 794 970 663 315 1 131 655
Västra Götaland 7 367 3 571 1 707 863 5 660 2 708
Värmland 1 462 396 200 79 1 262 317
Örebro 801 702 291 150 510 552
Västmanland 1 454 427 253 124 1 201 303
Dalarna 1 396 531 248 132 1 148 399
Gävleborg 258 240 162 66 96 174
Västernorrland 315 150 122 22 193 128
Jämtland 260 203 185 105 75 98
Västerbotten 1 477 576 192 106 1 285 470
Norrbotten 1 039 676 252 86 787 590

Due to the lag in reporting, data for the past year is underestimated in the preliminary statistics. The information will be revised in connection with the next publication.

Definitions and explanations

Dwellings refers to a unit intended fully or to a significant extent for residential use, regardless of the type of building in which it is located. Therefore, residences in one- or two-dwelling buildings are defined as dwellings.

One- or two-dwelling buildings refers to a detached one- or two-dwelling building, as well as semi-detached, terraced and linked buildings (excluding second homes).

Multi-dwelling buildings refers to buildings with three or more dwellings, including balcony-access buildings.

Conversion refers to the difference between the number of dwellings added and the number eliminated in conversions or altered use.

Next publishing will be

Preliminary statistics for the full year 2023 will be published on 23 February 2024.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden
