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New construction of residential buildings. Started dwellings, second quarter 2024, preliminary figures

New construction of dwellings in the first half of 2024

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-08-23 8.00

Preliminary figures show that construction of roughly 16 650 dwellings was started in new buildings during the first half of 2024. This is 12 percent up than in the same period last year when construction of 14 821 dwellings was started.

In the first half of 2024, construction of approximately 14 150 dwellings was started in multi-dwelling buildings, which is 26 percent up than in the same period in 2023. Preliminarily, about 72 percent of the dwellings started in 2024 were rented dwellings.

In one-to-two dwelling buildings, construction of 2 500 dwellings was started, which is 31 percent down than in the same period in 2023.

In addition, conversion of multi-dwelling buildings resulted in 1 000 dwellings in the first half of 2024, compared with 886 dwellings in the corresponding period in 2023.

The 2024 figures on new construction have been adjusted upwards by 15 percent, which was the time lag in the corresponding period last year. The 2024 figures on conversion have been adjusted upwards by 40 percent.

Number of started dwellings, first half of 1975−2024

New construction of residential buildings. Started dwellings, second quarter 2024, preliminary figures

Number of started dwellings in first half of 2023 and 2024, by region. Figures not adjusted upwards
  All buildings Jan–juni Of which one- or two-dwelling buildings Jan–juni Of which multi-dwelling buildings Jan–juni
  2023 2024 2023 2024 2023 2024
Sweden 14 821 14 487 3 633 2 166 11 188 12 321
Metropolitan areas 6 765 8 272 1 051 661 5 714 7 611
Greater Stockholm 3 740 5 142 523 273 3 217 4 869
Greater Göteborg 1 968 1 670 392 266 1 576 1 404
Greater Malmö 1 057 1 460 136 122 921 1 338
Sweden excl. metropolitan areas 8 056 6 215 2 582 1 505 5 474 4 710
Stockholm county 3 740 5 142 523 273 3 217 4 869
Uppsala county 371 537 232 156 139 381
Södermanland county 476 146 182 64 294 82
Östergötland county 446 548 174 93 272 455
Jönköping county 305 123 120 105 185 18
Kronoberg county 386 119 82 35 304 84
Kalmar county 287 96 117 37 170 59
Gotland county 27 141 27 13 . 128
Blekinge county 52 155 49 38 3 117
Skåne county 1 960 2 092 439 352 1 521 1 740
Halland county 690 369 251 150 439 219
Västra Götaland county 2 768 2 034 684 440 2 084 1 594
Värmland county 510 253 106 53 404 200
Örebro county 712 195 147 85 565 110
Västmanland county 309 271 106 73 203 198
Dalarna county 503 319 113 50 390 269
Gävleborg county 168 343 53 26 115 317
Västernorrland county 148 17 20 17 128 .
Jämtland county 100 67 59 34 41 33
Västerbotten county 456 180 84 37 372 143
Norrbotten county 407 1 340 65 35 342 1 305

Definitions and explanations

A dwelling refers to a flat designed to an appreciable proportion as a place of residence, irrespective of the type of building in which it is located. Dwellings in one- or two-dwelling buildings are therefore also defined as flats.

One-to-two dwelling buildings refer to detached one- or two-dwelling buildings as well as semi-detached houses, terraced houses and link attached houses (excluding holiday homes).

Multi-dwelling buildings refer to residential buildings with three or more apartments, including housing with balcony access.

Conversion refers to the difference between dwellings added and removed through conversion or changes in usage of multi-dwelling buildings.

Start usually refers to the initial date of starting clearance from the municipality; a more actual date for commencing construction work can be updated from the municipality.

Next publishing will be

Statistics for the third quarter of 2024 will be published on 2024-11-22.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Karin Corr

+46 10 479 43 99

Sara Klinga

+46 10 479 41 30